The IMS Database Editor can store the SSAs that you create for up to the last ten databases edited.
This positions you at the top of the first DEMOHDRS segment occurrence which is the Table of Software Developers.
On the SSA List, the SSA column for the DEMOHDRS segment shows None, indicating that DEMOHDRS has no SSAs.
On the SSA list, the SSA column changes to DEMOHDRS*-.
Because you just defined an unqualified SSA,
Get Next With Hold
returns another DEMOHDRS segment rather than the next DEMOELES segment.
As there are no more DEMOHDRS segments, a message prompt appears, indicating that you have reached the end of database.
This removes the unqualified SSA from DEMOHDRS. On the SSA list, the SSA column now shows None.
This completes the tutorial.