The following apply to HCOPG DB2 to PostgreSQL conversion:
- Converts DB2 functions and special registers to PostgreSQL functions and special registers according to a set of the defaults
that best match one to the other. Customizable.
- Converts DB2 data types to PostgreSQL data types according to a set of defaults that best match one to the other. Customizable.
- Converts DB2 SQLCODE values to equivalent PostgreSQL SQLCODE values. Customizable.
- Optimization of DB2 SQL statements is allowed and done by adding PostgreSQL query hints.
- Concatenation of PostgreSQL SQL TYPE BINARY and SQL TYPE VARBINARY data according to DB2 rules is done via the CONCAT_BINARY
function and operator.
- Applications that concatenate z/OS DB2 BINARY or VARBINARY values to use CONCAT_BINARY must be manually converted when migrating
to PostgreSQL.
- CONCAT_BINARY is converted to the HCOPG-supplied CONCAT_BINARY call.
To learn more about changing HCOPG default settings for DB2 functions and special registers, data types, SQLCODE values and
SQL identifiers, see the
How to section under
HCO for PostgreSQL (HCOPG).