Relationship: Element Has Text Decoration

This relationship can be used to define decorations which should appear in front and/or behind the label defined for the element type.

It is possible to define several text decorations for an element type. Within the relationship, the following attributes can be specified:

A text decoration can reference an arbitrary count of properties or static values. It is possible to provide enabled conditions for the referenced properties or static values, for example, to tell which static value should be shown in the decoration if the respective boolean property has the value true or false.

Note: Some Linked Element Types enable the label decoration to be automatically determined. This functionality is only applied if no Element Has Text Decoration is modeled.
Attribute Type Description
Text Decoration Position * Selection Valid values are: "Behind the Label" or "In Front of the Label"

Defines whether the text decoration should be placed behind or in front of the label.

Default: "Behind the Label"

Start Character [O] String Defines fixed character(s) with which the text decoration starts.

Default: " ("

End Character [O] String Defines fixed character(s) with which the text decoration ends.

Default: ")"

Separator [O] String Defines the separator between decoration values if more than one decoration value is modeled.

Default : " - "

Relationship Cardinality Description
Text Decoration_Has_Decoration Value 0..* Relationship from a text decoration to a static value or a property


The following text decoration is defined in the standard SCLM model for SCLM elements in the Application Explorer view.

SCLM element text decoration

Properties for an element has text decoration

The following figure illustrates how the text decoration is represented in the Application Explorer view:

Example of resulting text decoration