Note: The IMS Database Editor is part of the
Micro Focus Classic Data File Tools utility which is only available on Windows as part of
Enterprise Developer
for Eclipse (Windows). For more information, see
Classic Data File Tools.
The IMS Database Editor provides a graphical interface for viewing and manipulating data in an IMS database. Starting from
either a DBD or a PSB, you can use the IMS Database Editor to:
- View data
- Look at the data for a single segment occurrence
- Browse through segment occurrences to the end of the database
- Switch between viewing the data in ANSI or EBCDIC
- Navigate the database
- Make a DL/I call easily - simply click on a toolbar button
- Set up qualified and unqualified SSAs
- Search forwards through the database for a string
- Bookmark a segment occurrence, enabling you to return easily to that segment occurrence later on in the session or in a future
editing session
- Jump to a segment occurrence further on in the database, while browsing
- Make changes to segment occurrences
- Edit either unformatted or formatted data
- Cut, copy, and paste selected text via the clipboard
- Initialize data at field level or segment level
- Undo your edits at segment level or field level
- When your edits are complete, make the appropriate ISRT, REPL and DLET DL/I calls
Important: To view and edit formatted data, you must first of all define segment layouts for the segment types in the database. To do
this you use the Segment Layout Editor. To find out more about the Segment Layout Editor, see
IMS Segment Layout Editor.
The remaining topics in this section assume that you have segment layouts loaded to format your data.