For Path and Query interface fields, at runtime, the output response body is filtered by any path- and query-parameter values received in the URI having parameter names that match the name of an output field in the response body. For example, for an operation defined as follows:
Path | /cars/{make}
Where make is the name of a field defined within car |
Output body array | car items |
Runtime request URI | .../cars/ford?color=red&doors=4
Where color and doors are names of fields defined within car |
The response body array excludes instances of car having make, color, and doors values that do not match the URI-specified values, and includes instances that do match the URI-specified values. In this example, the response body would include only red, four-door Fords.
If you do not want a Path or Query interface field to act as a filter on the output message, ensure that its name does not match the name of any output Body interface field.
In addition, to produce a response body containing only the specified fields along with their parent and child fields, and excluding all other defined fields from the response, you can use the special $fields built-in query parameter using the following syntax:
Where commaSeparatedListOfOutputFieldNames is a comma-separated list of the fields you want to see in the response body. For example:
Produces a response body that contains values for the make, model, price, and fuelType fields only.
For more information, see Body, Path, and Query Fields and HTTP Method/Path.