We provide a number of demonstration programs designed to help you to better understand some of the concepts involved when
developing Mainframe Subsystem Applications.
The following demonstrations are supplied:
- Assembler - ACCT Demo
- AACT is a sample CICS 3270 transaction that comprises several Assembler programs and a single BMS map, and uses the resource
definitions in the file dfhdrdat. A tutorial,
Tutorial: Assembler in the
Getting Started section of your product Help shows you how to implement and test the AACT transaction.
- Assembler - QSAM Demo
- Shows you how to work with QSAM files.
- Assembler - VSAM Demo
- Shows you how to work with VSAM files.
- CICS Classic - ACCT Demo
- Shows you how to run and debug an Eclipse project for CICS on an Enterprise Server instance.
- CICS Classic - ACCTCLNT Demo
- Shows how you can run and debug a Mainframe Subsystem project for CICS as an HTTP client on an Enterprise Server instance.
The demonstration is also used by a tutorial in your product help, which contains further detail about the setup of an enterprise
server and a COBOL project.
- CICS Classic - ACCTWEB Demo
- Shows how to build and run the Web-enabled version of the sample transaction ACCT.
- CICS Classic - CLUSTER Demo
- Shows how to JCL jobs with shared datasets (catalog and spool shared by multiple servers) in an enterprise server maintaining
the dataset integrity.
- CICS Classic - CTGDEMO Demo
- Shows how to run and debug CTG client and server programs.
- Data Tools Demo
- Shows how to work with data files in the Data File Tools utility.
- HCO for DB2 LUW - Getting Started
- Shows how to use the Host Compatibility Option.
- HCO for DB2 LUW - Getting Started GUI
- Shows how to use the Host Compatibility Option UI tools.
- HCOPG Eclipse - Array Insert[3]
- Shows how array inserts work with PostgreSQL when using mainframe DB2 syntax
(early adopter program).
- HCOPG Eclipse - Function Emulation[3]
- Shows how to add some maths functions that emulate standard maths functions in DB2 to the PostgreSQL
(early adopter program).
- HCOPG Eclipse - Labeled Durations[3]
- Shows how HCOPG manages DB2 date formats and labeled duration calculations
(early adopter program).
- HCOSS Eclipse - Array Insert
- Shows how array inserts work with SQL Server when using mainframe DB2 syntax.
- HCOSS Eclipse - Function Emulation
- Shows how to add some maths functions that emulate standard maths functions in DB2 to the SQL server.
- HCOSS Eclipse - Labeled Durations
- Shows how HCOSS manages DB2 date formats and labeled duration calculations.
- HCOSS Eclipse - TwoPackageSet
- Shows how to use HCOSS to switch package sets and alternate fetching data using a single cursor name. Also shows how to bind
the application using the HCOSS Manage Packages and Plans tool.
- IMS - Installation Verification Program
- Shows how to configure an enterprise server to run IMS applications, and then build and run an IMS application. It also demonstrates
the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) to confirm that the IMS support is correctly installed.
- JCL - Classic JCL Demo
- Shows how to create a JCL application and then run it on an enterprise server.
- JCL - Examples
- Includes a number of additional files that demonstrate JCL functionality. For more details, see the comments in the code.