All REXX procedures within the ChangeMan Attachment are listed below.
The following table contains a short description of each procedure, where it is used in the model, and the ChangeMan XML services used:
REXX Name | Description |
TAUCMAAT | Audit a release area:
TAUCMABL | Block a release area:
TAUCMACI | Check-in a release area:
TAUCMACM | Calls TAUCMACI for mass input processing:
TAUCMADM | Demote a release area:
TAUCMADS | Calls TAUCMADM for mass input processing:
TAUCMALC | Allocate a temporary data set used for a ChangeMan component file transfer:
TAUCMAPM | Calls TAUCMAPR for mass input processing:
TAUCMAPL | Retrieve an approver list for drop-down lists:
TAUCMAPP | Approve a package:
TAUCMAPR | Promote a release area:
TAUCMARC | Get components of a release area (name and type) to check-in:
TAUCMAUB | Unblock a release area:
TAUCMAUD | Audit a package:
TAUCMAUL | Reset an audit lock flag:
TAUCMBAK | Backout a package:
TAUCMBBV | Retrieve a baseline version of a component:
TAUCMBHC | Retrieve an SSV version of a USS component for comparison based on a location:
TAUCMBHS | Retrieve a SSV version of a HFS component:
TAUCMBLC | Retrieve a ChangeMan baseline component list:
TAUCMBLD | Build a ChangeMan component in a stage library:
TAUCMBLI | Retrieve a ChangeMan baseline component list:
TAUCMBL2 | Build a ChangeMan component in a stage library using options from history (no option dialog box popup):
Supports mass processing. |
TAUCMBRC | Retrieve an SSV version of a component for comparison based on a location:
TAUCMBRL | Retrieve a compressed list from a stage library:
TAUCMBR2 | Retrieve an SSV version of a component for comparison based on a timestamp:
TAUCMBRS | Retrieve an SSV version of a component:
TAUCMBRW | Retrieve a component from a library (stage or baseline):
TAUCMBSV | Retrieve a baseline version list:
TAUCMCGD | Get description for all package components
TAUCMCIN | Check in ChangeMan components in a stage library from an external data set:
TAUCMCLI | Retrieve a ChangeMan package component list:
TAUCMCL2 | Retrieve a ChangeMan staged component list:
TAUCMCL3 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package load dependencies list:
TAUCMCL4 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package load dependencies list:
TAUCMCOU | Check out a ChangeMan component:
TAUCMCPA | Create a ChangeMan package:
TAUCMCPH | Retrieve a component history:
TAUCMCPY | Copy a component:
TAUCMDCO | Delete a ChangeMan component in stage library:
Supports mass processing. |
TAUCMDPA | Memo (un-)delete a ChangeMan package:
Supports mass processing. |
TAUCMFRZ | Freeze a ChangeMan package:
TAUCMGAC | Get the application containers used in the tree view:
TAUCMGAR | Get the areas of a release:
TAUCMGAP | Get the application list:
TAUCMGBL | Get the baseline library for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMGCC | Get changed components for a release area:
TAUCMGCS | Get component summary for a release area:
TAUCMGCO | Retrieve a component from a stage library and lock it:
TAUCMGDL | Get data sets matching the generic PDS search criterion. |
TAUCMGHF | Get the temporary HFS path
TAUCMGLA | Get language names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMGLI | Get library types for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMGLO | Get library organization (PDS/HFS) for a package library:
TAUCMGML | Get member list matching the PDS member search criterion. |
TAUCMGPD | Get source library name for a ChangeMan application package lib type:
TAUCMGPL | Get library for a ChangeMan application package:
TAUCMGPR | Get build procedure and language names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMGP2 | Get valid build procedures for a language name:
TAUCMGRC | Get root containers for model ChangeMan application. |
TAUCMGRN | Get promotion names for a release:
TAUCMGRP | Get promotion sites for a release:
TAUCMGSA | Get libraries for a release area (summary):
TAUCMGSC | Get global security attributes for a user:
TAUCMGTA | Get libraries for a release area (changed components):
TAUCMHIS | Retrieve a specific component history:
TAUCMIMP | Retrieve a ChangeMan impact analysis list:
TAUCMLCK | Lock a ChangeMan component in a stage library:
TAUCMLST | Retrieve a listing from a stage library:
TAUCMMAL | Calls TAUCMALC for mass input processing:
TAUCMMCI | Calls TAUCMCIN for mass input processing:
TAUCMMCO | Calls TAUCMMCO for mass input processing:
TAUCMMLK | Lock a ChangeMan component in a stage library (mass processing enabled):
TAUCMMUL | Unlock a ChangeMan component in a stage library (mass processing enabled):
TAUCMNEW | Create a new dummy component and lock it:
TAUCMNTY | Browse a global notification file:
TAUCMPAT | Attach a package to a release area:
TAUCMPCI | Check-in package (components) to a release area:
TAUCMPDS | Retrieve a ChangeMan promoted component list:
TAUCMPDT | Detach a package from a release area:
TAUCMPGD | Get a package description:
TAUCMPGI | Get a package implementation description:
TAUCMPGS | Retrieve a ChangeMan production site list:
TAUCMPIS | Insert package installation sites:
TAUCMPKI | Retrieve specific package information:
TAUCMPLI | Retrieve a ChangeMan package list with properties:
TAUCMPL2 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package identifier list:
TAUCMPL3 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package name list:
TAUCMPL4 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package list for comparison:
TAUCMPPD | Delete a participating package:
TAUCMPPG | Get a participating package list:
TAUCMPPI | Insert a participating package:
TAUCMPRC | Get member of a package (name and type) for check-in:
TAUCMPRH | Retrieve a component/package promotion history:
TAUCMPRL | Get promotion libraries for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMPRM | Promote a package or package components:
TAUCMPRN | Retrieve a promotion name list:
TAUCMPRS | Retrieve a promotion site list:
TAUCMPRV | Retrieve components from a release area:
TAUCMPSD | Delete package installation sites:
TAUCMPUD | Update package description:
TAUCMPUG | Update specific package info:
TAUCMPUI | Update package implementation description:
TAUCMPUS | Update package installation sites:
TAUCMP2D | Get members to be demoted:
TAUCMP2M | Get members that could be promoted:
TAUCMP2N | Get promotion names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMP2S | Get promotion site names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMP3S | Get production site names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMRAC | Retrieve components from a release area:
TAUCMRAM | Calls TAUCMRAC for mass input processing:
TAUCMREC | Recompile a ChangeMan component in stage library:
TAUCMREL | Relink a ChangeMan component in stage library:
TAUCMREV | Revert a package:
TAUCMRLI | Retrieve a ChangeMan release list:
TAUCMRPL | Retrieve promotion names and levels for a release:
TAUCMRPS | Retrieve promotion site names for a release:
TAUCMRRA | Retrieve the applications joined to a release:
TAUCMRSC | Remote syntax check for a ChangeMan component:
TAUCMSCD | Delete a scratch entry:
TAUCMSCI | Insert a scratch entry:
TAUCMSCL | Retrieve a ChangeMan scratch component list:
TAUCMSEC | ChangeMan security exit:
TAUCMSJC | Set job cards for ChangeMan functions which submit a job, for example, build.
Job cards can be set in the application via an application action. If no job cards are set, default job cards are used as specified in the REXX procedure for the corresponding function. |
TAUCMSRC | Search a string in a ChangeMan library:
TAUCMSS2 | Retrieve an SSV version list for a compare dialog:
TAUCMSSV | Retrieve an SSV version list:
TAUCMSYL | Building the SYSLIB concatenation for edit:
TAUCMUNL | Unlock a ChangeMan component in stage library:
TAUCMVAP | Get an application name list:
TAUCMVAR | Retrieve ChangeMan area names for a release:
TAUCMVRE | Get reason codes for ChangeMan unplanned changes:
TAUCMVRL | Retrieve ChangeMan release names for model:
TAUCMVSI | Get site names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMXA1 | Exit to create temporary data sets.
All temporary data sets used by the ChangeMan attachment are created with this exit procedure. |
TAUCMXA2 | Exit for dynamic allocations of the ZMF environment.
Verify and customize the ZMF system data set names. |
TAUCMXA3 | Exit for mapping ChangeMan library types and languages to file suffixes. |
TAUCMXA4 | Exit for defining specific ChangeMan library types for source, listing and load modules. |
TACMXCO | Exit to set local compiler options for the background parser of the editor. |