Describes the purpose of the Event Monitor, how it interacts with other
Enterprise Server for .NET operating components, and hosting details.
The event monitor:
- Provides administration and management functionality for service execution process (SEP) and dispatcher services running on
the same machine
- Starts and stops regions stored on the local machine
Important: In any implementation, the event monitor service must be running on a machine that also runs the Dispatcher and/or SEP services.
System Architecture Options for details.
An active event monitor receives notifications from SEP services as follows:
- Each SEP pool registers itself with its local event monitor when the pool is created
- Each region operating on the local machine registers with the event monitor the first time a request for the region is processed
by an SEP
- Each registered SEP pool notifies the event monitor when a pool process terminates or IIS recycles an SEP pool
Based on activity in the registered SEP pools, the event monitor uses the Dispatcher to:
- Route internal transaction requests (ITRs)
- Monitor the user interface
- Kill tasks
- Process Stop Region requests
Event monitors on different machines communicate with each other to perform specific tasks, such as:
- ITR invocations that require coordination with SEPs that are running, or have run, tasks for a given CICS or JES region
- Stop Region requests
An Event Monitor is hosted as follows:
Runs as
Micro Focus SEE Monitor service
Started by
Dispatcher, SEP, or User Interface