The Historical Statistics Facility (HSF) needs to be enabled for an
Enterprise Server for .NET CICS region to cause event records to be created at run time for transactions. These records can be subsequently processed
to provide detailed information of their execution. To enable HSF:
- Open the region startup file using the
Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI's Region Startup File Editor
- Select the
Region node in the
Results pane.
A properties window is now displayed to the right-hand side of the
Results pane.
- Locate the
Historical Statistics Facility category in the properties window and set the value of the
HSF Enabled property to
true. HSF can be further configured by setting the values of one or more of the
HSF Data Lifetime,
Max HSF Transactions and
Persist HSF Data properties.
- Choose
, or click the
Save icon in the toolbar to save the file.
You must cold-start the region for the changes to take effect.