seeconsoleviewer parameter parameter . .
Starts a console viewer for a CICS region.
If the value for <number-of-columns> is greater than the maximum width supported for a Windows Console, the value is set to the maximum width.
Default database server on the local machine: | -usedb |
Default database server on the local machine, identical to -usedb: | -usedb:(local) |
Specific database server on the local machine: | -usedb:(local)\SQLEXPRESS |
Default database server instance on a specific machine (SC1 used in example) | -usedb:SC1 |
Specific database server instance on a specific machine (SC1, SQLEXPRESS used in example for machine name, database server name) | -usedb:SC1\SQLEXPRESS |
This example creates a console viewer process for the ESDEMO region name. The (local)\SQLEXPRESS database server name hosts the region database. The command creates a 132-column wide console window. The creation date and time prefixes each message output.
seeconsoleviewer -region:ESDEMO -usedb:(local)\SQLEXPRESS -showtime:132