Using SOAP Features

Describes the requirements for creating EXCI calls that provide access to SOAP features.
Note: This is a technology preview feature only. It is being made available to allow you to test and provide feedback on this new capability; however, this feature is not intended for production use and it is not supported as such.

Implementation of an EXCI call to a Web service requires an EXCI client program that calls a CICS program running as a Web service on an Enterprise Server for .NET region. The EXCI call itself can be done using the COMMAREA, or by using EXCI channels and containers.

For an example of a CICS program using a WSBIND file called with SOAP via EXCI, see the CicsSoap project under EXCI for .NET > EXCI SOAP in the Mainframe Samples Browser*.

Note: The mechanism used to call the CICS program is dictated by the generated WSBIND file, meaning that regardless of whether EXCI is called with a channel or using a COMMAREA, the CICS program is always called using the specification found in the WSBIND file.


To code a call to a Web service using SOAP, use a standard EXCI call with the following modifications:

  • Add a SOAP XML string to the COMMAREA
  • In the call to the DPLRequest method, set the optional webService parameter to true
  • If the webService parameter is set to true, then set the programName parameter in the call to the name of your WEBSERVICE CICS resource

The CICS program is called using the WSBIND file to convert the SOAP request into program data, and vice versa.

For an example that uses a COMMAREA, see the SoapClientCommarea project under EXCI for .NET > EXCI SOAP in the Mainframe Samples Browser*.

EXCI using Channels and Containers

You can use the EXCI channels/containers support either for a standard EXCI call directly to a program with raw data, or for a Web service call. If calling a Web service:

  • Set the webService parameter true
    Note: For example code, see the SoapClientChannel project under EXCI for .NET > EXCI SOAP in the Mainframe Samples Browser*.
  • Name the channel DFHAHC-V1
  • Use the DFHREQUEST and DFHRESPONSE request and response containers respectively.


For an example ASP.NET Web API project that uses AspNetExciClient, see the EXCI for .NET > EXCI ASP.NET SOAP Client sample in the Mainframe Samples Browser*.

* If you need instructions for opening the Mainframe Samples Browser, see To start the Samples Browser.