MFPLI00060 - MFPLI00079
MFPLI00060S "array-name" is declared with nonconstant extents but is not an AUTOMATIC, BASED, CONTROLLED, or DEFINED variable.
MFPLI00061S An expected type-name value was not found. One of the values in this statement has a data type that cannot be converted to the type required by the context in which the value is used.
value was expected but a value was encountered that cannot be converted to the required type.
MFPLI00062S Possible compiler error. An invalid code has been given to the convert subroutine of PASS2. Correct all program errors and recompile. If this message persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Support.
The compiler has possibly encountered an error.
MFPLI00063U The length of a name or constant exceeds the implementation's limit. Check to see if all string constants are properly quoted with ' and that any contained 's occur in pairs. Also check for unbalanced /* */.
The maximum length of a PL/I token created externally in the source code is 3072.
MFPLI00064S A built-in function has been referenced with the wrong number of arguments.
Built-in functions must be referenced with the correct number of arguments.
MFPLI00065S Because POINTERs are not capable of pointing to bit-addresses, the argument of ADDR must be aligned on a byte or higher storage boundary.
The argument of ADDR cannot be a bit-string that is not aligned on a byte boundary.
MFPLI00066U The nesting depth of a STRUCTURE exceeds the implementation's limit.
The maximum structure nesting depth is 16.
MFPLI00067U A statement exceeds the implementation's limit of tokens.
This statement is too complicated.
MFPLI00068S Invalid syntax in an arithmetic constant.
This arithmetic constant contains invalid syntax.
MFPLI00069W An arithmetic constant must be separated from the following symbol by a delimiter. A blank delimiter has been supplied.
MFPLI00070W A symbol begins with _. The _ has been ignored.
MFPLI00071U The total number of errors exceeds the implementation's limit.
MFPLI00072S The second argument of the ROUND built-in function must be an optionally signed decimal integer constant.
The second argument of the ROUND built-in function cannot be a variable or an expression.
MFPLI00073S The R-format must reference a format value.
The bracketed identifier following an R-format item must be the label on a FORMAT statement.
MFPLI00074S The only values that can be converted to POINTER types are OFFSET variables that have been declared with an AREA name.
MFPLI00075S A floating-point value is required by this statement, but a noncomputational value has been used. It cannot be converted.
A non-computational value cannot be converted to a floating point value as required by this statement.
MFPLI00076S One of the bounds declared for "array-name" is invalid because the lower bound is greater than the upper bound.
For each dimension of an array the upper bound of must not be less than the lower bound.
MFPLI00077S This statement contains an unrecognizable condition name.
This is an ON, SIGNAL or REVERT statement referencing a condition name or is preceded by a condition prefix consisting of a condition name in parenetheses followed by a colon.
MFPLI00078S A parenthesized name is not valid with this condition.
Some conditions, for example, CONDITION, ENDFILE, ENDPAGE, KEY and RECORD, are followed by a qualification, for example, condition name or file name, in parentheses.
MFPLI00079U Excessive complexity of this statement has caused the compiler's parse output stack to overflow. Reduce the complexity and recompile.
The compiler's parse output stack has overflowed due to the excessive complexity of this statement.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages