MFPLI00000 - MFPLI00019
MFPLI00001S The source text contains extraneous data. Check for excess END statements, unbalanced quotes, and unbalanced /* */.
Source text has been encountered after the END statement that corresponds to the PROCEDURE statement.
MFPLI00002E Insufficient END statements. An additional END statement has been supplied.
End of source before END statements have been encountered for all PROCEDURE, BEGIN and DO statements.
MFPLI00003S This is an unrecognizable statement.
Either the keyword is not recognised as a valid keyword or the syntax is not recognized.
MFPLI00004S Syntax error.
The syntax of the statement is in error.
MFPLI00005S "attribute-name" is an unrecognizable attribute keyword.
is being used as an attribute but is not recognized.
MFPLI00006S "format-item-name" is an unrecognizable format-item.
is being used in a format list but is not recognized.
MFPLI00007S "label-prefix" is a label prefix but has previously been declared.
has also been declared somewhere else.
MFPLI00008S "label-prefix" is a subscripted label prefix but has previously been declared with a different data type or a different number of dimensions.
has either been declared as something other than an array of LABEL variables or the subscript is not within the bounds of the array.
MFPLI00009S This statement contains a label prefix that has appeared on a previous statement in the same block.
The same label prefix appears on two different statements in the same block.
MFPLI00010U An expression or reference contained within this DECLARE or DEFAULT statement is excessively complex and has caused the compiler's expression buffer to overflow. Reduce the complexity and recompile.
The expression or reference is too complicated for the compiler.
MFPLI00011E A colon cannot follow a WHEN or OTHERWISE statement. The colon has been ignored.
WHEN or OTHERWISE clauses are not label prefixes and so should not be followed by a colon.
MFPLI00012S If any ENTRY of a PROCEDURE has a RETURNS option, all entries must have a RETURNS option. A PROCEDURE cannot be both a subroutine and a function.
Whan a procedure has multiple entry points all the ENTRY statements must have a RETURNS option if and only if the PROCEDURE statement has a RETURNS option.
MFPLI00013I Extraneous comma ignored.
An unnecessary comma has been specified.
MFPLI00014S "parameter-name" is a parameter but has been declared with a storage class or as a label.
CONTROLLED is the only additional storage class that may be specified for a parameter and then only if the corresponding arguments are CONTROLLED.
MFPLI00015S "identifier-name" as used in this statement conflicts with its usage in a previous statement within the same block.
has been contextually declared in another statement but its use in this statement conflicts with that declaration.
MFPLI00016S A label prefix cannot appear on a statement used as an on-unit.
An on-unit can only be entered by raising the corresponding condition not from a GO TO statement.
MFPLI00017S "identifier-name" is an apparent STRUCTURE member, but does not immediately follow a variable with a level-number.
follows an apparent level-number but the previous identifier was not an element of a structure.
MFPLI00018S "format-label" must be the label of a FORMAT statement.
in the remote (or R) format item must be the label of a FORMAT statement.
MFPLI00019E The END label in this statement does not match the label prefix of any containing DO, SELECT, BEGIN, or PROCEDURE statement; END statement ignored.
The label on the END statement does not match the label of any unclosed DO group, BEGIN block or PROCEDURE.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages