Indicates that a request to submit a job has been received, although the job being submitted has not been read and nothing
has been done to it. Note that it is possible that the file containing the job does not even exist, but it very likely does.
This event enables the user exit to verify or modify the job that is being submitted.
Event-specific data:
Data available for this event includes:
- Job number assigned to the job.
- Physical file name (and if available, MVS data set name) of the job that is to be submitted. The MVS data set name exists
only if an MVS data set corresponding to the physical file exists. The
SUBMIT command always has an MVS data set associated with it. For example, for a PDS member, the MVS data set name may be
MFIDSA.CNTL(MYJOB) or for a PS, it may be
S0310.S070508.J01364.D00002.SYSUT2 (data set name assigned to an INTRDR SYSOUT data set).
- The type of job submission (scan only or job execution).
- Whether the job will be animated; that is, executed in debug mode.
The following actions can be requested for this event:
- action-MVS-dsn
- Indicates that JCL should use the modified MVS data set name and submit it as the job.
- action-pc-fname-dsn
- Indicates that JCL should use the modified physical filename and submit it as the job.
- action-flush
- Indicates that JCL should flush the job.
Note: To set the initial value of TYPRUN to SCAN set
88 (tag)-U-submit-type-scan to
true at event-job-ready.