Job Restart Usage

To use MFBSIJCL to restart a failed job at a given step, replace the JCL command line parameter. The JCL parameter is similar to this line:

[-j][y:\MFServerEE\...\JCL\] MYJCL [.jcl]

Replace this line with:



This is the number referring to the job that you would like to restart. The string JOB may be omitted.
This is the step name for the restart.
Optional, this is the Proc Step name.
Note: Parameters in square brackets in the example are optional.

MFBSIJCL assumes a RESTART if [ -j][JOB]nnnnn:STEP[:PROCSTEP] is found in the JCL parameters as identified by -j or -J, or found in the assumed JCL member name.

For example, these commands are considered valid for a job restart:

MFBSIJCL ... -jJOB12345:step4 ...
MFBSIJCL ... /j12345:step4 ...
MFBSIJCL ... JOB12345:step4 ...
MFBSIJCL ... 12345:step4:PROC12 ...
MFBSIJCL ... 1234:step4 ...
Tip: MFBSIJCL normalizes the job as JOBnnnnn, that is the string JOB followed by 5 or 7 digits. The StepName/ProcStepName is converted to uppercase.

Return code 220 from MFBSIJCL indicates a failed restart. If the stepName or the procStepName are invalid. It takes more than one minute for MFBSIJCL to end with return code 220. Check MFBSI job.log and the enterprise server console for more information.

A parameter defined for MFBSIUE1 and MFBSIUE2 user exits identifies the execution mode:

When an exit is invoked at job restart, the ESue1-JCLfile or ESue2-JCLfile variable in the interface contains JOBnnnnn:StepName[procStepName].

For a job restart request, if the parameter SJOBID=JCL is used, it changes to SJOBID=JOBNO. The log file name is saved as JOBnnnnn.log. The job log from the restart execution in the folder specified by the $MFBSI_DIR variable overwrites the job log file of the initial submit.