The exported PKCS #12 file must be converted into separate root certificate, user certificate, and private key files.
To convert the exported PKCS #12 file you need the OpenSSL utility, openssl.exe. If the utility is not already available run DemoCAAddPack_70.msi to install the Micro Focus Demo CA utility, which includes the OpenSSL utility. Ensure that you have added the OpenSSL utility to your system PATH environment variable. If you want to install DemoCA, see Installing Micro Focus Demo CA for more information. If you install OpenSSL as part of DemoCA, then the typical installation directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\DemoCA.
openssl base64 -d -a -in <PKCS#12file> -out <PKCS#12file.bin>
openssl pkcs12 -in <PKCS#12file.bin> -noout
Enter Import Password:
Type the pass phrase of the certificate. This should have been provided by your system programmer. If the certificate is validated the following message is displayed:
MAC verified OK
openssl pkcs12 -in <PKCS#12file.bin> -out <PKCS#12file.pem>
Enter Import Password:
Type the pass phrase of the certificate used in the earlier steps.
Enter PEM pass phrase:
The first block is the root certificate, copy the text between and including the begin and end markers:
Paste the copied text into a file and save the file with a name that clearly identifies it; for example, servername-root-cert.pem.
The second block is the user certificate. Copy the text between and including the second begin and end markers.
Paste the copied text into a file and save the file with a name that clearly identifies it; for example, servername-user-cert.pem.
The third block is the private key. Copy the text between and including the third begin and end markers.
Paste the copied text into a file and save the file with a name that clearly identifies it; for example, servername-user-key.pem.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in <servername-user-key.pem> -out <servername-user-key.der> -outform der
Enter pass phrase for servername-user-key.pem:
You can use a new pass phrase, or you could reuse the original pass phrase supplied with the PKCS #12 file.