You can view the output generated by most diagnostic facilities in ESCWA; however, if you need to send diagnostic output files to a colleague or to Micro Focus Customer Care, then you need to know where to find them.
Unless otherwise noted, diagnostic output files are written to a subdirectory bearing the same name as its enterprise server region, and is located under the defined Enterprise Server system directory. The default system directory is:
Windows platforms:
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Micro Focus User\Enterprise Developer\WORKAREA
UNIX platforms:
UNIX platforms:/var/mfcobol/es
For example, if the name of your enterprise server region is MYSVR, diagnostic output files for the MYSVR enterprise server region would be
Windows platforms:%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Micro Focus User\Enterprise Developer\WORKAREA\MYSVR
UNIX platforms:/var/mfcobol/es/MYSVR
To learn how to change the location of the system directory, see To change the system directory.