DBFH00020 - DBFH00039
DBFH00020S Failed to load 'db2-api-load-library'
Attempt to load the Db2 API load failed.
DBFH00021I Successfully registered XA connection 'xa-connection-name' for datastore 'datastore-url'
Indicating the the region has been successfully warm started.
DBFH00022I Successfully de-registered XA connection 'xa-connection-name' for datastore 'datastore-url'
Indicating the the region has been successfully warm started.
DBFH00023I Build svn-tag, svn-revision
MFDBFH product build information.
DBFH00024S Failed to load Secrets/Vault API
Attempt to load the Secrets/Vault API load failed.
DBFH00025W Failed to read secret from the vault for attribute 'attr-name' (RC=return-code): Server=server-name; Dsn=dsn-name
The secret associated with the given <dsn/> element attribute does not exist in the vault.
DBFH00026E ODBC error: 'odbc-error-message'
An ODBC error occurred attempting to perform a database operation.
DBFH00027E I/O error: io-error-message
General I/O failure.
DBFH00028W Configuration file 'configuration-file-name' does not exist
The specified configuration file does not exist.
DBFH00029W SQL script file folder 'script-file-folder-name' does not exist
Indicating the name of the configuration file being used.
DBFH00030E Required stored procedure 'stored-procedure-name' does not exist
The specified stored procedure required to warm start a region does not exist.
DBFH00031W The region must be cold started
The region must be cold started to install the necessary database objects required for a subsequent warm start.
DBFH00032S MFDBFH requires the multi-threaded COBOL run-time system
MFDBFH is unable to perform the operation is the application is not being run with the multi-threaded COBOL run-time system.
DBFH00033S SQL script file 'sql-script-file-name' does not exist
Attempt to load the SQL script file failed.
DBFH00034S MFDBFH failed to upgrade the datastore. Manual upgrade required. Use 'dbfhadmin -upgrade -datastore datastore-url' to generate an upgrade script and run the script as a user with sysadmin privileges
MFDBFH failed to auto-upgrade the datastore.
DBFH00035W Record lock strategy changed for file 'sql-url' Already opened by PID process-id on host 'host-name' with 'existing-record-lock-strategy'. Requested 'requested-record-lock-strategy'
Attempt to open a file specifying a conflicting record lock strategy.
DBFH00036E Cannot cold start region database 'region-database-name' Already started by 'program-name (PID process-id)' on host 'host-name'
The region database cannot be cold started as it has already been started by another process.
DBFH00037E Cannot warm start region database 'region-database-name' Already started by 'program-name (PID process-id)' on host 'host-name'
The region database cannot be warm started as it has already been started by another process.
DBFH00038E Cannot stop region database 'region-database-name'. Not started
The region database cannot be stopped as it has not been started.
DBFH00039W Force cold start of region database 'region-database-name' Already started by 'program-name (PID process-id)' on host 'host-name'
The region database is being force cold started, but has already been started by another process.
Parent topic:
DBFH - MFDBFH General Messages