If you receive a CASRS2102W error message, of the type:
CASRS2102W PAC ITR wait fail on OperationType for ResourceName: At least one process failed to process the ITR. Check other regions in PAC for ITR failures.
The OperationType that it is related to could be a file close, a CICS NEWCOPY of a program, or a program cancel. The following is an example of the full message:
CASRS2102W PAC ITR wait fail on Close for VSO23R: At least one process failed to process the ITR. Check other regions in PAC for ITR failures.
As suggested by the message, the console.log for each region in the PAC should be checked for any reported a problem. Typically, at least one message like the following will be found:
CASRS2068W Region received an ITR but at least one SEP failed to process it. Type=File, Action=Close, Resource=VSO23R
If a SEP failed to process the operation then it could be out of synchronization with other SEPs in the PAC.
If the SEP exited whilst processing the operation, then there will be no need for any further action because recovery processing will ensure that any locks that were owned by the process will have been released. It would be apparent if this is the case because there would be console messages showing that a SEP exited around the time of the CASRS2068W message.
If the SEP is still active then there might be other console messages or traces which could help identify which process failed. You might need to intervene depending on which operation was issued. See Message CASRS2104E for more information. Typically, this would involve reissuing the command directly to the region which experienced the problem.