ADM0060 - ADM0079
ADM0060I Updating existing database 'database-name'
Database creation procesing starting.
ADM0061E Can only specify one of -list, -recover, or -status with -region
dbfhadmin command-line must include just one of-list, -recover, and -status with -region.
ADM0062E Must specify -usedb:<instance> with -region -recover/-list/-status
dbfhadmin command-line must include -usedb:<instance> with -region -recover/-list/-status.
ADM0063I No regions exist
No configured regions exist.
ADM0064S An error occurred while reading ENQ requests for the region-name region: exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to read ENQ requests for the given region.
ADM0065E Region 'region-name' is not configured
No configuration entry exists for the specified region.
ADM0066I No resource locks exist
No resource locks exist.
ADM0067I Recovered resource lock: QNAME='resource-qname', RNAME = 'resource-rname'
Details of a resource lock that has been removed.
ADM0068S An error occurred while attempting to recover resource locks
A serious error occurred while attempting to recover resource locks from the (cross-)region databases.
ADM0069E ODBC error: 'odbc-error-message'
An ODBC error occurred attempting to perform a database operation.
ADM0073I Datastore 'datastore-url' does not need to be upgraded
The datastore does not need to be upgraded as it is already at the latest version level!
ADM0074E Error creating SQL script file 'file-name' (file-status)
An error occurred attempting to create a SQL script.
ADM0075E Invalid port number specified. Must be in the range 0-65535
An invalid port number was specified.
ADM0076E Cannot specify both -list and -recover with -verify
dbfhadmin command-line includes both -list and -recover with -verify.
ADM0077E Must specify either -list or -recover with -verify
dbfhadmin command-line must include either -list or -recover with -verify.
ADM0078E Must specify -datastore:<url> or -usedb:<instance> with -verify -recover/-list
dbfhadmin command-line must include -datastore:<url> or -usedb:<instance> with -verify -recover/-list.
ADM0079S An error occurred while verifying the integrity of the datastore: exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to verify the integrity the datastore database.
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