ADM0040 - ADM0059
ADM0040I number-key-types key types definitions were imported
The number of key types definition records that were successfully imported.
ADM0041E Must specify both -provider and -type with -script
dbfhadmin command-line must include both -type and -provider with -script.
ADM0042E Must specify a type of crossregion, datastore or region with -type:<script-type>
dbfhadmin command-line must have a type of crossregion, datastore or region with -type:<script-type>!
ADM0043E Must specify a provider of 'az', 'db2', 'pg 'or 'ss' with -provider:<db-type>
dbfhadmin command-line must have a provider of azuresqldb, db2, postgresql or sqlserver with -provider:<db-type>!
ADM0044E Must specify -name:<object-name> with -type:datastore or -type:region
dbfhadmin command-line must specify -name:<object-name> with -type:datastore or -type:region!
ADM0045I Creating SQL script file 'file-name'
The name of the file to which the SQL commands for creating a database are to be written!
ADM0046E Must specify -file, -provider and -type with -createdb
dbfhadmin command-line must include -file, -type and -provider with -createdb.
ADM0047E -ebcdic can only be specified with -createdb -provider:db2 -type:datastore
dbfhadmin command-line only allows -ebcdic to be specified with -createdb -provider:db2 -type:datastore.
ADM0048E An error occurred attempting to process file 'file-name'
An error occurred when attempting to open, or read records from, the database creation script file.
ADM0049E 'create-database-command' statement not found
A create database SQL command was not found in the script.
ADM0050I Creating database 'database-name'
Database creation processing starting.
ADM0051E Database 'database-name' already exists
Database already exists.
ADM0052E Error attempting to create database 'database-name' (error-code)
Database already exists.
ADM0053E -collation can only be specified with -createdb -provider:db2
dbfhadmin command-line only allows -collation to be specified with -createdb -provider:db2.
ADM0054E Must specify -user:<user-name> with -createdb -provider:postgresql
dbfhadmin command-line must specify a user with -createdb -provider:postgresql!
ADM0055E Must specify -usedb:<instance> with -createdb -provider:sqlserver
dbfhadmin command-line must include -usedb:<instance> with -createdb -provider:sqlserver.
ADM0056E Must specify -password<pwd> with -createdb -provider:az|ss -user:<user-name>
dbfhadmin command-line must specify a password with -createdb -provider:az|ss -user:<user-name>!
ADM0057E -db:<db-name> can only be specified with -script -provider:db2
dbfhadmin command-line only allows -db:<db-name> to be specified with -script -provider:db2.
ADM0058E -existdb:<db-name> can only be specified with -script -provider:db2
dbfhadmin command-line only allows -existdb:<db-name> to be specified with -script -provider:db2.
ADM0059E Cannot specify both -db:<db-name> and -existdb:<db-name> with -script -provider:db2
dbfhadmin command-line must not include -db:<db-name> and -existdb:<db-name> with -script -provider:db2.
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