Creating a .NET Core Project

You create a project for a COBOL application that will be deployed to .NET Core in essentially the same way that you create a project for any other COBOL application; the only difference is in the project template that you use. For a COBOL application that is to be deployed to .NET Core you must use one of the templates whose name ends with "(.NET Core)".

If you need to include SQL support in your project there are additional steps you need to perform. See Configuring a .NET Core Project for SQL Support for more information.

Note: The project templates for .NET Core are not installed automatically with Enterprise Developer. If the .NET Core templates are not available you must install them before proceeding. See To install missing features from the IDE for instructions.

To create a .NET Core project

  1. Click File > New > Project.
  2. Type .NET Core in the Search field.
  3. Select COBOL from the first dropdown menu (which contains All languages by default).

    .NET Core templates are listed.

  4. Select the template that you want to use.
    Note: If there are no .NET Core templates you need to install Visual Studio's ".NET Core cross-platform development" component. See the .NET Core section of Additional Software Requirements for more information.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Project name field, type a name for the project.
  7. In the Location field, browse to the directory in which to store the project.
  8. Click Create.
  • The project is created to target .NET Core 3.1.
  • If you will be deploying the project to an Azure .NET environment you need to modify the settings of the CALLFH and CALLSORT directives in order to avoid dependency issues with the C runtime. See Deploying to Azure .NET in .NET Core Known Issues and Restrictions for more information.