Define COMMWS Operations

Guides you through the process of adding the operations that enable the COMMWS Web service to interact with the INCCA and SECCA programs.

Define the InvokeINCCA operation

This operation receives data, sends it to the application, and returns data following application processing.

Create the InvokeINCCA operation
  1. In the Interface Mapper, right-click the Operation button, and then select New from the context menu.
  2. In the Operation Name field, type InvokeINCCA.
  3. Under Select program/copybook, click INCCA.
    The Interface Mapper parses the code for candidate COMMAREAs from which to choose. This includes:
    • dfhcommarea, which is a COMMAREA field specified on an EXEC CICS RETURN statement
    • Fields that are sources or targets of COBOL move statements involving dfhcommarea
  4. Click INCCA under both Select input data area and Select output data area.

    The INCCA program defines only dfhcommarea, and thus this is the only C0MMAREA shown. You can optionally expand and contract the code to see its contents.

  5. Do not check Create Default Mappings.
  6. Click OK to create the InvokeINCCA operation.

    The Interface Mapper shows the input and output COMMAREA fields in the left panes.

Map input interface fields
Web Service interfaces receive inbound data from a SOAP request. To receive the data and then pass it into our COMMAREA, you must map the following COMMAREA fields to the interface as input fields:
  • int-fld
  • comp-fld
  • dec-fld
  • disp-fld
  • string-fld
  1. Drag int-fld from the Input Commarea pane to the Interface Fields pane.
    Note: Alternatively, you can create this mapping by right-clicking int-fld in the Input Commarea pane and selecting New Input Field from the context menu.
  2. In the Interface Fields pane, double-click int_fld.
  3. In the Name field, type InIntFld; then click OK to rename the field.
  4. Drag the following fields from the Input Commarea pane to the Interface Fields pane and rename each as indicated:
    Input Commarea Field Interface Field Name
    comp-fld InCompFld
    dec-fld InDecFld
    disp-fld InDispFld
    string-fld InStringFld
Map interface output fields
The sample programs modify the data in the COMMAREA fields, and then the service interface passes the modified data back to the requester in a SOAP response. Therefore, you must map the same COMMAREA fields, plus the grp-fld array, to the interface as output fields. The grp-fld array does not receive input from the SOAP request, but the program moves data into it as it processes the request. This means that you need to map an output interface field to the grp-fld array.
  • Drag the following fields from the Output Commarea pane to the Interface Fields pane and rename each as indicated:
    Input Commarea Field Interface Field Name
    int-fld OutIntFld
    comp-fld OutCompFld
    dec-fld OutDecFld
    disp-fld OutDispFld
    string-fld OutStringFld
    grp-fld OutGrpFld
Map a work field
Work fields store data that can be passed from one operation to another. This service interface requires a work field to pass the contents of the string-fld COMMAREA field from the InvokeINCCA operation that you are defining now, to the InvokeSECCA operation that you define in the next phase of this tutorial.
  1. In the Work Fields pane, right-click; then select New Work Field from the context menu.
  2. In the Name field, type WrkString, and type 80 into the Length field; then click OK.
Create a field assignment
To assign a value to the WrkString work field, you create a field assignment.
  1. In the Assignments pane, right-click and select New Assignment from the context menu.
  2. From the Assign to drop-down list, select WrkString.
  3. From the Field/Operation1 drop-down list, select dfhcommarea.string-fld.
  4. Click OK to save the assignment.
  5. Click File > Save COMMWS.svi to save the completed InvokeINCCA operation.

Define the InvokeSECCA Operation

This operation passes the value stored in the WrkString work field a COMMAREA field in the SECCA program where it is modified and returned.

Create the InvokeSECCA Operation
  1. In the Interface Mapper, right-click the Operation button, and then select New from the context menu.
  2. In the Operation Name field, type InvokeSECCA.
  3. Under Select program/copybook, click SECCA.

    The Select input data area and Select output data area boxes each list two COMMAREAs from which to choose. This is because the Interface Mapper has found two candidate COMMAREAs in the SECCA program.

  4. Click each of the COMMAREA list entries to compare the two. From studying the code in the SECCA program, you know that the program moves the contents of dfhcommarea to wrkcommarea before performing business logic using the COMMAREA fields. Therefore, you want this operation to use the wrkcommarea for both input and output.
  5. Click SECCA(2) under both Select input data area and Select output data area.
  6. Do not check Create Default Mappings. In this tutorial, you create the mappings manually.
  7. Click OK to create the InvokeSECCA operation.

    The Interface Mapper shows the input and output data area fields in the left panes.

Create a Field Assignment
To pass the value you stored in the WrkString work field during the InvokeINCCA operation to the in-string COMMAREA field, you need to create a field assignment.
  1. In the Assignments pane, right-click and select New Assignment from the context menu.
  2. From the Assign to drop-down list, select
  3. From the Field/Operation1 drop-down list, select WrkString.
  4. Click OK to save the assignment.
Map an Interface Output Field
The SECCA program logic takes the value of in-string, prepends "SECCA received: " to it and stores the result in out-string. To send the value back to your service interface, you need to map out-string to an output interface field.
  1. Drag out-string from the Output Commarea pane to the Interface Fields pane.
  2. From the Interface Fields pane, rename out_string to SECCAOutString.
  3. Click File > Save COMMWWS.svi to save the completed InvokeSECCA Operation.
  4. Close the Interface Mapper.