Set Up the DSNUTILS Enterprise Server Region

Walks you through the steps required to create the JCL-enabled DSNUTILS enterprise server region.

Create the DSNUTILS enterprise server region

  1. In Visual Studio, open the Server Explorer.

    If it is hidden, display it by choosing View > Server Explorer.

  2. Expand Micro Focus Servers.
  3. Right-click localhost, and click New Enterprise Server.
    Tip: If you are not currently signed on to the current enterprise server, the Enterprise Server Sign On dialog box appears: click OK to sign on as the SYSAD user. (Alternatively, click Use specific server credentials, then enter a valid username and password.)

    The Create New Enterprise Server dialog box appears.

  4. Type DSNUTILS into the Name field.
  5. Click the browse button next to the Template field, and browse to the location of the Enterprise Developer server templates, which is VSInstallDir\IDE\Extensions\nnnnnnnn.nnn\Etc\ServerTemplates by default.
  6. Select JCLTemplate.xml, and click Open.
  7. Click OK.

    The Output window displays notification that the server has been created. If the Output window is not displayed, select View > Output.

  8. In the Server Explorer, expand localhost to check that the DSNUTILS server has been added. By using the template, the server already has the necessary options selected for MSS enablement.

Set up XA resources

  1. On the Enterprise Server Administration Home page, click the Details button that corresponds to the started DSNUTILS enterprise server.
  2. Click Server > Properties > XA Resources; then click Add.
  3. Populate the fields on the XA Resources tab as follows:
    Field Value
    Name HCODEMO
    Module esodbcxa.dll
    Open string DSN=HCODEMO
  4. Click Add to complete the XA resources setup.

Create aliases for MBDT

  1. Click Server > Control; then click ES Monitor and Control.
  2. From the Resources menu in the left pane, click JES; then click Alias.
  3. Create the following aliases:
    Program Alias
  4. Click Update to save the aliases.
  5. Close the Enterprise Server Administration window.