Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
Select the number of the message you require details about :
21004 INVALID MEM MODEL Memory model specified for creating DLL of compiled macros is neither 16-bit segmented or 32-bit linear model.
21005 ERR OPENING ASM FILE Error opening .ASM output file to receive the assembler source form of compiled macros.
21006 ERR WRITING ASM FILE Error occurred while writing the .ASM output file to receive the assembler source form of compiled macros.
21007 ERR OPENING DLL FILE Error opening .DLL output file to directly receive the DLL form of compiled macros.
21008 ERR WRITING DLL FILE Error writing the .DLL output file that directly receives the .DLL form of compiled macros.
21009 ERR OPENING DEF FILE Error opening .DEF output file to receive the module definition for creating the DLL form of compiled macros.
21010 ERR WRITING DEF FILE Error occurred while writing the .DEF output file to receive the module definition for creating the DLL form of compiled macros.
21018 TOO MANY DATA SEG PARTS The allowed number of data parts/segments used to write the compiled form of a macro has been exceeded. This is an FMP internal
21019 INVALID DATA SEG PART IX An internal index into the data parts/segments used to write the compiled form of a macro is out of bounds. This is an FMP
internal error.
21020 INVALID OPCODE An operation was encountered that is not known to the compiled macro write routines. This is an FMP internal error.
21021 NO MORE FIXUP SORT SLOTS When sorting fixups by page, location address, and reference address for constructing a DLL for a compiled macro, FMP ran
out of slots in the sort table. This is an FMP internal error.
21022 LOCATION NOT DEFINED A compiled macro is a complex data structure with many pointer references to locations (addresses of structures). A reference
has been encountered to a location that has never been defined. This is an FMP internal error.
21023 INVALID ASM SYMBOL TYPE When writing out a compiled macro, symbolic names are assigned to each data structure that comprises the compiled macro. A
structure of unknown type has been encountered. This is an FMP internal error.
21024 DUPLICATE SYMBOL DEFN When writing out a compiled macro, symbolic names are assigned to each data structure that comprises the compiled macro. A
location of a structure has been defined twice. This is an FMP internal error.
21029 DLL NONRESNAMES EXCEEDED When writing out a compiled macro as a .DLL, the size of the area allocated for the one of the following tables was exceeded.
This is an FMP internal error.
21100 NO ALLOC LOCMGR HASH TAB Could not allocate memory for the IR Location Manager hash table. This is a memory allocation error.
21101 NOT ALL LOC NODES FREED Upon terminating, the IR Location Manager, not all allocated Location Nodes were freed to the free chain. This is an FMP internal
21102 UNABLE ALLOC LOC NODE Unable to allocate memory for an IR Location Node. Location Nodes keep track of addresses in the Intermediate Representation
that can be referenced and relocated. This is an FMP internal error.
21103 NULL LOC NODE ADDR Encountered an address of an IR Location Node that is NULL. This is an FMP internal error.
21200 UNABLE ALLOC REF NODE Unable to allocate memory for an IR Reference Node. Reference Nodes keep track of references Locations in the in the Intermediate
Representation. This is an FMP internal error.
21201 UNABLE CREATE REF NODE A call to createRefNode was unable to return an IR Reference Node in which to store a reference to an IR Location. This is
an FMP internal error.
21202 NOT ALL REF NODES FREED Upon terminating the IR Reference Manager, not all allocated Reference Nodes were freed to the free chain. This is an FMP
internal error.
21203 NULL REF NODE ADDR Encountered an address of an IR Reference Node that is NULL. This is an FMP internal error.
21300 INVALID DEF QUEUE TYPE An invalid type of deferred queue was presented to a routine in the Deferred Queue Manager. The Deferred Queue Manager provides
queues to defer writing structures out as compiled macros; there is a queue for each structure type. This is an FMP internal
21301 NO ROOM IN DEF QUEUE A Deferred Queue Manager queue is full. The Deferred Queue Manager provides queues to defer writing structures out as compiled
macros; there is a queue for each structure type. This is an FMP internal error.
21400 UNABLE ALLOC DLL WORK Unable to allocate the work areas for directly writing out a .DLL of compiled macros.
21401 WRONG DATA SEG TYPE16 An a 16-bit data segment was requested for an inappropriate memory model for writing compiled macros to a DLL. 16-bit segments
are only for creating a 16-bit segmented memory model DLL. This is an FMP internal error.
21402 WRONG DATA PART TYPE32 A 32-bit data part was requested for an inappropriate memory model for writing compiled macros to a DLL. 32-bit data parts
are only for creating a 32-bit linear (flat) memory model DLL. For incremental allocation reasons, the single 32-bit logical
data object is physically created in incrementally allocated data parts. This is an FMP internal error.
21403 UNABLE ALLOC DLL AREA Unable to allocate memory for a work area in which to construct the DLL for the non-data portion of a compiled macro. This
is a memory allocation error.
21404 UNABLE ALLOC DLL DATA AREA Unable to allocate memory for a work area in which to construct the data part of a DLL for a compiled macro. This is a memory
allocation error.
21405 UNABLE ALLOC DLL FIXUP REC AREA Unable to allocate memory for a work area in which to construct the fixup record area for a LX DLL for a compiled macro. This
is a memory allocation error.
21406 DLL EXCEEDED MAX FIXUPRECORDAREAS Exceeded the maximum number of fixup record work areas that can be allocated. Work areas are for constructing the fixup record
area for an LX DLL for a compiled macro. The limit is set by an internal constant. Try breaking the macro source file into
several smaller files.
21407 BAD BACKPATCH ALIGN When backpatching forward references while directly writing out compiled macros to a DLL, a reference to another location
in the DLL was not on the correct alignment boundary. Pointers are usually aligned. This is a potential problem. This is an
FMP internal warning.