Lists supported and tested databases that can be used with the JCL DSNREXX and Mainframe Batch Data Tools features of Enterprise Developer.


Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Program (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact Micro Focus Customer Care if you require further clarification.
Availability - Windows platforms
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Windows X X
Availability - UNIX platforms
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X
x86-64 running SUSE Linux X X
IBM System p running AIX X X
DSNREXX is supported in OpenESQL applications, and is native code using ODBC. See the OpenESQL section in the Database Management Systems (DBMSs) topic for additional software requirements, and the DSNREXX Support topics for complete details.
On Windows platforms, this release of DSNREXX was tested with:
  • DB2 LUW 10.5 and later
  • SQL Server 2014 and later

On UNIX platforms, this release of DSNREXX was tested with DB2 LUW 10.5.

Mainframe Batch Database Tools (MBDT)

Availability - Windows platforms
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Windows X X
Availability - UNIX platforms
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X
x86-64 running SUSE Linux X X
IBM System p running AIX X X
The MBDT toolset consists of OpenESQL applications, and are native code using ODBC. See the OpenESQL section in the Database Management Systems (DBMSs) topic for further details.
For this version, MBDT was tested with:
  • DB2 LUW 10.5 and later (Windows platforms)
  • DB2 LUW 10.5, 11.1, and 11.5(UNIX platforms)
  • Oracle 18c and 19c
  • SQL Server 2014 and later - Windows platforms