Restriction: This functionality requires
Micro Focus Enterprise Developer UNIX Components.
Remote PL/I Include Project is a remote project which only contains PL/I include files to be referenced by other remote PL/I
projects. This provides a central location to store/maintain PL/I include files for use by other projects.
- Click
- Click
- In the
New Remote PL/I Include Project wizard, enter a project name.
- Specify whether the project should use the
Remote file system (RSE) or the
Network file system (SAMBA, NFS, etc...) file system to interact with the remote host.
- Click
- Select or browse for a project template and click
- In the
Remote settings section, choose the
Connection name from the list. Alternatively, click
New Connection and use the
New Connection wizard to create a new connection.
- In the
Remote location field, enter the location of the project on the remote host. You can use the
Browse dialog box to browse the remote host's file system.
Note: For a network file system such as NFS or Samba, the
Remote location value should be the UNIX or Linux representation of the path as specified in
Location. For example, a location of
X:NFS-mounted-drive location\project name can be represented by a remote location of
- Click
This creates the project and displays it in the
Application Explorer view.