All REXX procedures within the ChangeMan Attachment are listed below.
The following table contains a short description of each procedure, where it is used in the model, and the ChangeMan XML services used:
REXX Name | Description |
TAUCMAAT | Audit a release area:
TAUCMABL | Block a release area:
TAUCMACI | Check-in a release area:
TAUCMACM | Calls TAUCMACI for mass input processing:
TAUCMADM | Demote a release area:
TAUCMADS | Calls TAUCMADM for mass input processing:
TAUCMALC | Allocate a temporary data set used for a ChangeMan component file transfer:
TAUCMAPM | Calls TAUCMAPR for mass input processing:
TAUCMAPL | Retrieve an approver list for drop-down lists:
TAUCMAPP | Approve a package:
TAUCMAPR | Promote a release area:
TAUCMARC | Get components of a release area (name and type) to check-in:
TAUCMAUB | Unblock a release area:
TAUCMAUD | Audit a package:
TAUCMAUL | Reset an audit lock flag:
TAUCMBAK | Backout a package:
TAUCMBBV | Retrieve a baseline version of a component:
TAUCMBHC | Retrieve an SSV version of a USS component for comparison based on a location:
TAUCMBHS | Retrieve a SSV version of a HFS component:
TAUCMBLC | Retrieve a ChangeMan baseline component list:
TAUCMBLD | Build a ChangeMan component in a stage library:
TAUCMBLI | Retrieve a ChangeMan baseline component list:
TAUCMBL2 | Build a ChangeMan component in a stage library using options from history (no option dialog box popup):
Supports mass processing. |
TAUCMBRC | Retrieve an SSV version of a component for comparison based on a location:
TAUCMBRL | Retrieve a compressed list from a stage library:
TAUCMBR2 | Retrieve an SSV version of a component for comparison based on a timestamp:
TAUCMBRS | Retrieve an SSV version of a component:
TAUCMBRW | Retrieve a component from a library (stage or baseline):
TAUCMBSV | Retrieve a baseline version list:
TAUCMCGD | Get description for all package components
TAUCMCIN | Check in ChangeMan components in a stage library from an external data set:
TAUCMCLI | Retrieve a ChangeMan package component list:
TAUCMCL2 | Retrieve a ChangeMan staged component list:
TAUCMCL3 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package load dependencies list:
TAUCMCL4 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package load dependencies list:
TAUCMCOU | Check out a ChangeMan component:
TAUCMCPA | Create a ChangeMan package:
TAUCMCPH | Retrieve a component history:
TAUCMCPY | Copy a component:
TAUCMDCO | Delete a ChangeMan component in stage library:
Supports mass processing. |
TAUCMDPA | Memo (un-)delete a ChangeMan package:
Supports mass processing. |
TAUCMFRZ | Freeze a ChangeMan package:
TAUCMGAC | Get the application containers used in the tree view:
TAUCMGAR | Get the areas of a release:
TAUCMGAP | Get the application list:
TAUCMGBL | Get the baseline library for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMGCC | Get changed components for a release area:
TAUCMGCS | Get component summary for a release area:
TAUCMGCO | Retrieve a component from a stage library and lock it:
TAUCMGDL | Get data sets matching the generic PDS search criterion. |
TAUCMGHF | Get the temporary HFS path
TAUCMGLA | Get language names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMGLI | Get library types for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMGLO | Get library organization (PDS/HFS) for a package library:
TAUCMGML | Get member list matching the PDS member search criterion. |
TAUCMGPD | Get source library name for a ChangeMan application package lib type:
TAUCMGPL | Get library for a ChangeMan application package:
TAUCMGPR | Get build procedure and language names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMGP2 | Get valid build procedures for a language name:
TAUCMGRC | Get root containers for model ChangeMan application. |
TAUCMGRN | Get promotion names for a release:
TAUCMGRP | Get promotion sites for a release:
TAUCMGSA | Get libraries for a release area (summary):
TAUCMGSC | Get global security attributes for a user:
TAUCMGTA | Get libraries for a release area (changed components):
TAUCMHIS | Retrieve a specific component history:
TAUCMIMP | Retrieve a ChangeMan impact analysis list:
TAUCMLCK | Lock a ChangeMan component in a stage library:
TAUCMLST | Retrieve a listing from a stage library:
TAUCMMAL | Calls TAUCMALC for mass input processing:
TAUCMMCI | Calls TAUCMCIN for mass input processing:
TAUCMMCO | Calls TAUCMMCO for mass input processing:
TAUCMMLK | Lock a ChangeMan component in a stage library (mass processing enabled):
TAUCMMUL | Unlock a ChangeMan component in a stage library (mass processing enabled):
TAUCMNEW | Create a new dummy component and lock it:
TAUCMNTY | Browse a global notification file:
TAUCMPAT | Attach a package to a release area:
TAUCMPCI | Check-in package (components) to a release area:
TAUCMPDS | Retrieve a ChangeMan promoted component list:
TAUCMPDT | Detach a package from a release area:
TAUCMPGD | Get a package description:
TAUCMPGI | Get a package implementation description:
TAUCMPGS | Retrieve a ChangeMan production site list:
TAUCMPIS | Insert package installation sites:
TAUCMPKI | Retrieve specific package information:
TAUCMPLI | Retrieve a ChangeMan package list with properties:
TAUCMPL2 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package identifier list:
TAUCMPL3 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package name list:
TAUCMPL4 | Retrieve a ChangeMan package list for comparison:
TAUCMPPD | Delete a participating package:
TAUCMPPG | Get a participating package list:
TAUCMPPI | Insert a participating package:
TAUCMPRC | Get member of a package (name and type) for check-in:
TAUCMPRH | Retrieve a component/package promotion history:
TAUCMPRL | Get promotion libraries for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMPRM | Promote a package or package components:
TAUCMPRN | Retrieve a promotion name list:
TAUCMPRS | Retrieve a promotion site list:
TAUCMPRV | Retrieve components from a release area:
TAUCMPSD | Delete package installation sites:
TAUCMPUD | Update package description:
TAUCMPUG | Update specific package info:
TAUCMPUI | Update package implementation description:
TAUCMPUS | Update package installation sites:
TAUCMP2D | Get members to be demoted:
TAUCMP2M | Get members that could be promoted:
TAUCMP2N | Get promotion names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMP2S | Get promotion site names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMP3S | Get production site names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMRAC | Retrieve components from a release area:
TAUCMRAM | Calls TAUCMRAC for mass input processing:
TAUCMREC | Recompile a ChangeMan component in stage library:
TAUCMREL | Relink a ChangeMan component in stage library:
TAUCMREV | Revert a package:
TAUCMRLI | Retrieve a ChangeMan release list:
TAUCMRPL | Retrieve promotion names and levels for a release:
TAUCMRPS | Retrieve promotion site names for a release:
TAUCMRRA | Retrieve the applications joined to a release:
TAUCMRSC | Remote syntax check for a ChangeMan component:
TAUCMSCD | Delete a scratch entry:
TAUCMSCI | Insert a scratch entry:
TAUCMSCL | Retrieve a ChangeMan scratch component list:
TAUCMSEC | ChangeMan security exit:
TAUCMSRC | Search a string in a ChangeMan library:
TAUCMSS2 | Retrieve an SSV version list for a compare dialog:
TAUCMSSV | Retrieve an SSV version list:
TAUCMSYL | Building the SYSLIB concatenation for edit:
TAUCMUNL | Unlock a ChangeMan component in stage library:
TAUCMVAP | Get an application name list:
TAUCMVAR | Retrieve ChangeMan area names for a release:
TAUCMVRE | Get reason codes for ChangeMan unplanned changes:
TAUCMVRL | Retrieve ChangeMan release names for model:
TAUCMVSI | Get site names for a ChangeMan application:
TAUCMXA1 | Exit to create temporary data sets.
All temporary data sets used by the ChangeMan attachment are created with this exit procedure. |
TAUCMXA2 | Exit for dynamic allocations of the ZMF environment.
Verify and customize the ZMF system data set names. |
TAUCMXA3 | Exit for mapping ChangeMan library types and languages to file suffixes. |
TAUCMXA4 | Exit for defining specific ChangeMan library types for source, listing and load modules. |
TACMXCO | Exit to set local compiler options for the background parser of the editor. |