The HSURDPID table is used for the process identifiers list and is populated during the Work with Process Identifier phase. The following table describes the columns in the HSURDPID table:
Column | Type | Length | Decimal | Domain |
PROCID | BINARY | 5 | 0 | process ID |
ACCESS | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | access type |
RECFMT | CHARACTER | 2 | 0 | record format |
RECLEN | BINARY | 5 | 0 | record length |
TRKPOS | BINARY | 5 | 0 | TRK position |
TRKLEN | BINARY | 5 | 0 | TRK length |
PROCDES | CHARACTER | 30 | 0 | process ID description |
IOPGMNAME | CHARACTER | 8 | 0 | related I/O routine |
DATPOS | BINARY | 5 | 0 | data position |
DATLENTYP | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | Data length type |
DATLENPOS | BINARY | 5 | 0 | data length position |
DATLENLEN | BINARY | 5 | 0 | data length |