The HSURDLIC table is used for DB2 table information and is populated during the phase one of the Life Cycle. The following table describes the columns in the HSURDLIC table:
Column | Type | Length | Decimal | Domain |
FILLIB | CHARACTER | 128 | 0 | file library |
FILNAME | CHARACTER | 128 | 0 | file name |
TSNAME | CHARACTER | 24 | 0 | tablespace name |
DBNAME | CHARACTER | 24 | 0 | database name |
OBID | SMALLINT | 4 | 0 | OBID |
FILTXT | CHARACTER | 50 | 0 | text |
NUMREC | INTEGER | 9 | 0 | number of records |
RECLEN | INTEGER | 5 | 0 | length of record |
MCRECID | SMALLINT | 4 | 0 | machine/company ID |
FILRECID | INTEGER | 9 | 0 | file ID |
ODBNAME | CHARACTER | 128 | 0 | ODBC Database Type Name |