IMS DB system commands

IMS DB system commands supported by Enterprise Test Server, which are a subset of all IMS DB commands.
Displays the current status of specified databases.
/DIS[PLAY] DB {ALL | database1 [database2 [... database16]]}
Returns a status for all databases known to the enterprise server region, meaning databases that have been started or opened during the current enterprise server region session, and therefore does not necessarily include all databases defined in the enterprise server region.
Note: The list of known databases grows dynamically as they are accessed by system commands and applications running on the enterprise server region.
database1 [database2 [... database16]]
One or more database names separated by a space. Returns the status of each specified database, up to sixteen total databases.
Database statuses:
The database name is not valid. There is no ACB defined for this DB.
The database is defined but has not been accessed.
The database is currently being accessed by an application program.
The database has been opened but is not currently open.
The database is stopped and not available to MPP, BMP or CICS-DLI programs.
Stops all specified databases. When stopped, a database cannot be accessed from MPP, BMP, or CICS-DLI programs; however, the database is still accessible from IMSDBU or batch DLI programs.
Note: This command is run synchronously. It suspends until the database is closed and stopped.
/STO[P] DB database1  [database2 [... ]]
database1 [database2 [...]]
One or more database names separated by a space. Stops each specified database.
Starts one or more specified databases, making them available to online, BMP, and CICS-DLI programs.
/STA[RT] DB database1  [database2 [... ]]
database1 [database2 [... ]]
One or more database names separated by a space. Starts each specified database.