You can use SQLWizard Import to create a table to hold the data you are importing.
To create a new table to receive your imported data:
- Specify the file whose contents you want to import.
- Review the suggested table definition and decide if you need to change it. There are two ways to change the table definition:
- Revise specifications on the Table Definition Grid on the Import window, as explained in Step 3.
- Use the definition of an existing XDB Server table as a template for creating the new table. To do this, choose an existing
table using the Browse button in the XDB Server Table Information section or drag a table from the Catalog Browser dialog
box. Then change the name of the table. The Create Table checkbox will automatically be checked. You can make any desired
changes to this new table's definition as described in Step 3.
- You can modify any of the non-gray fields in the Table Definition Grid. To make a change, click the desired field and change
any information. If there are multiple entries for the selected field, a drop-down list appears as shown below. Otherwise,
type the desired information.
Note: If you need to restore the XDB Server-suggested table definition (based on the source file), use the
Recalculate command on the
Import menu. This command will reread the source file and recalculate a table definition from it.

When you have finished entering your specifications, click the
Run command on the
Import menu or click the
Run button on the toolbar.
The status of the import operation appears in the status bar at the bottom of the window. When the import completes, a completion
message appears and the number of imported records is listed.