The following REXX procedures are part of the Endevor Attachment:
REXX Name | Description |
Endevor Element Actions | |
TAUENBEL | Get Endevor element source for Browse |
TAUENBLL | Get Endevor element information (BE, HE, CE, BX, CX, HX, LL) |
TAUENBLM | List an Endevor member using the Print function |
TAUENEAC | Create a temporary sequential data set |
TAUENEAD | Add an Endevor element |
TAUENECR | Create a new Endevor element |
TAUENECS | Check if required element action is allowed |
TAUENEDE | Delete an Endevor element |
TAUENEED | Process functions used during a remote Edit action: retrieve, add, generate |
TAUENEGE | Generate an Endevor element in place |
TAUENEG1 | Generate an Endevor element |
TAUENEMO | Move an Endevor element |
TAUENERE | Retrieve an Endevor element |
TAUENESI | Sign in / sign out |
TAUENETR | Transfer an Endevor element |
TAUENEVA | Validate an Endevor element |
Endevor Package Actions | |
TAUENPA1 | Process Endevor Packages, Actions Approve, Deny, Backin, Backout, Commit, Inspect, Execute, Reset |
TAUENPCA | Process Endevor Packages, Actions Create, Modify, Cast |
TAUENPDE | Process Endevor Packages, Actions Delete |
Endevor ACMQ Action | |
TAUENACM | Process ACMQ requests |
TAUENIAC | Interpret the result from the ACMQ function |
Endevor Search Action | |
TAUENSRC | Process search request |
TAUENISR | Interpret the search result |
Endevor MCF Report Action | |
TAUENRPT | Process MCF report request |
TAUENFPR | Generate footprint report job |
Endevor Filter Actions | For Table Structures |
TAUENFEL | Create an Endevor element table using search filter |
TAUENGPK | Create an Endevor package table using search filter |
Endevor Table and Tree Actions | For Table and Tree Structures |
TAUENGCI | Get list of used CCIDs for tree view |
TAUENGEL | Get element list for tree and table view |
TAUENGEN | Get environment list for tree view |
TAUENGLC | Get component level list for table view |
TAUENGLV | Get element level list for table view |
TAUENGOP | Get Endevor site options |
TAUENGPK | Create an Endevor package table using search filter |
TAUENGPR | Get processor group list for tree view |
TAUENGSB | Get subsystem list for tree view |
TAUENGST | Get stage list for tree view |
TAUENGSY | Get system list for tree view |
TAUENGTV | Get tree view types for tree view (Environment view / CCID view) |
TAUENGTY | Get type list for tree view |
TAUENPST | Get package status for tree view |
Determination of Endevor Properties | To Complete the Properties view |
TAUENEPR | Determine the properties of an Endevor element or element level |
TAUENGPK | Determine the properties of an Endevor package |
TAUENGSI | Get stage ID for a given stage no |
Endevor Select Values Actions | |
TAUENLEL | List filtered Endevor elements |
TAUENLEN | Determine valid Endevor environment |
TAUENLPR | Determine valid Endevor processor groups |
TAUENLSB | Determine valid Endevor subsystems |
TAUENLSI | Determine valid Endevor stage IDs |
TAUENLSN | Determine valid Endevorstage numbers |
TAUENLSY | Determine valid Endevor systems |
TAUENLTY | Determine valid Endevortypes |
Utilities | Used as Subroutines |
TAUENS01 | Used in an Endevor simulation environment only |
TAUENS02 | Get Endevor definitions |
TAUENS03 | Get Endevor element container data |
TAUENS04 | Get Endevor element level information |
TAUENS05 | Get Endevor element listings |
TAUENS06 | Get data for container CMP, CMPOBJ, CMPCOM. Scan the component list and extract input and output components |
TAUENS07 | Print Endevor member |
TAUENS08 | Get Endevor element source |
TAUENS09 | Check if a ddname is already allocated |
TAUENS10 | Call Endevor API SCL processor in foreground mode |
TAUENS11 | Call Endevor API SCL processor in foreground mode |
TAUENS12 | Call Endevor API SCL processor batch |
TAUENS13 | Call Endevor API ACMQ SCL processor in foreground mode |
TAUENS20 | Call Endevor API for package information |
TAUENS21 | Used in an Endevor simulation environment only |
TAUENSJC | Set job card Shared Pool variables for batch execution |
Exits for Endevor | |
TAUENXA1 | Allocation of temporary files for Endevor Attachment |
TAUENXA2 | Change type properties to be returned to the client (for example file extension) |
TAUENXCI | Get a list of valid CCIDs to be used for element action association |
Set local compiler options (COMPOPT) for background parsing (called by REXX TAUENXSL) |
TAUENXCS | Check the selected elements before a mass action is processed |
TAUENXSL | Set property group and SYSLIB for background parsing |
TAUENXTV | Define entries and labels of the tree view |
Initialization / End Processing | |
TAUENINI | Initialize the Endevor model (must be called in TAUTOXA1) |
TAUENEND | Close Endevor |