Copy Resource


This tool "Copy Resource" copies Eclipse resource(s) to the specified target path. It supports mass processing.

Tool Attribute:

Attribute Type Description
With UI [M] Boolean Specifies whether the Eclipse UI dialog box should be used.
Existing Resource Handling [M] Selection Specifies the handling of the scenario that the target resource already exists. Valid values include:
The target resource is replaced without a message issued.
The target resource stays untouched.
An error message is produced.
From Parameter
The handling is defined by an additional tool parameter.


Parameter Name I/O Type Description
Eclipse Path [M] I String The Eclipse path to the source's resource.

If the tool attribute With UI is set to true, this is the only enabled parameter.

New Parent Path [M] I String The Eclipse path to the target folder.
Existing Resource Handling [O] I String Defines handling when the target resource already exists. Valid values include:
  • Replace
  • Ignore
  • Error (default). Only enabled if the tool attribute Existing Resource Handling is set to From Parameter.
New Resource Name [O] I String New name of the target resource. Only enabled if the "Mass Processing" attribute of Eclipse Path is set to true.