Enterprise Server
Features include:
- Configuration of enterprise servers using the Administration Web interface.
- Dynamic debugging of applications that are running under an enterprise server
- Deployment of mainframe and native code applications to an enterprise server.
- CICS Web Interface (CWI) Offers an additional CICS Web Interface (CWI) support to include DOCUMENT and EXTRACT TCPIP CICS
APIs and to provide support for CICS as an HTTP client.
Service Interfaces Using the IMTK
Important: We highly recommend that you do the IMTK tutorials to get a feel for using these tools. See
Tutorials: Interface Mapping Toolkit (IMTK) in the
Getting Started section under
Native COBOL Tutorials.
The IMTK enables you to create an interface between a legacy COBOL application running on an
ESI as a service, such as a Web service or Java service, and a non-COBOL client, such as a Web service client or a JSP client.
The interface you create is called a
service interface. In your service interface, you can expose as much or as little of the original legacy application functionality as you choose.
Because legacy applications often perform a wide variety of functions, the creation of a service interface enables you to
limit your end users to access only the functions they need.
You can create the following types of service interfaces for COBOL programs:
- Java Interface
- Web Service from WSDL
- Web Service from request-response JSON schemas
- RESTful Web Service from JSON schema
Attention: To deploy or generate a client for a Java Interface, you must install and configure the Java JDK and a Java application server.
See the
Application Server JCA support for Enterprise Server topic under
Additional Software Requirements.
The process of creating a working service interface to run on
Enterprise Server includes the following:
- Creating and configuring an
enterprise server instance to run the legacy application as a service
- Creating a service interface in an
Enterprise Developer project
- Defining the details of the service interface using the
Interface Mapper
- Deploying the legacy application and service interface to your
enterprise server instance
- Generating one or more clients to access the service running on the
enterprise server instance