Runs the command-line version of the MBDT Configuration Utility.
Important: You must run this command from a 32-bit or a 64-bit
Enterprise Developer command prompt. For instructions, see
To start an
Enterprise Developer command prompt.
mbdtconfig -t {H[COSS] | A[gnostic]} [-s size={0 | n}] [–c {Y[es] | N[o]}]
- -t
- Sets the database type.
- Indicates a SQL Server database in which CREATE SCHEMA object statements are z/OS DB2 statements.
- A[gnostic]
- Indicates a SQL Server, DB2 LUW, Oracle, or PostgreSQL database in which CREATE SCHEMA object statements are specific to the
DBMS vendor specifications. This option does not support mainframe DB2 DDL. Default.
- -s
- Sets the commit behavior.
- size=0
- Default. Perform a single commit after all records have been loaded.
- size=n
- Enables multiple commits. Provide a number to indicate the number of rows to process before issuing each commit.
- –c
- Sets the LOAD behavior when the LRECL of SYSREC is found to be greater than the row size.
- Y[es]
- The LOAD fails when the LRECL of SYSREC is greater than the row size.
- N[o]
- Default. The LOAD continues regardless of the LRECL of SYSREC size as compared to the row size.