Attention: .NET Core on Linux is provided as an Early Adopter Program (EAP) feature only. It is being made available to allow you to
test and provide feedback on the new capabilities. Be aware that file locking does not work in all instances, and may cause
exceptions or the ignoring of file locks. We will continue the development of this feature and provide additional interfaces
via patch updates and future releases. Please contact
Micro Focus SupportLine if you require further clarification.
Once you have tested and debugged your application and are confident that it is ready to be deployed, the next step is to
publish it.
Note: Before you publish a COBOL application for use on .NET Core you must have decided which deployment type you want to use. See
Different Types of .NET Core Deployment for more information.
How you publish your application, and the files that are produced by publishing it, varies depending on the deployment type
that you choose.
You can choose to publish using the IDE or using MSBuild at the command line.