Keyword | Description |
TDqueue(name) | Names this queue. Mandatory. name can be up to four alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be aletter other than C. |
Group(groupname) | Names the group the queue belongs to. Mandatory. groupname can be up to eight characters in length. Acceptable characters are A through Z, 0 through 9, $, @ and #. Do not specify a group name starting with DFH, as Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS) uses that prefix for system groups. |
DESCription(text) | Describes the transient data queue. Optional. text can be up to 60 characters in length, with no restrictions except that if you use a left parenthesis you must ensure that there is a matching right parenthesis. |
TYPE(INTra | Extra | INDirect | INTRDR) | Specifies the type of this queue:
Intra: The contents of the queue are accessible only to transactions and are temporary Extra: The contents of the queue are made available to non-CICS programs, or data is made available from non-CICS programs INDirect: An alias that points to another queue, which may be of any type INTRDR: Specifies the internal reader to which CICS applications can direct a JCL job stream for execution by the JCL engine. |
Intrapartition Queue Parameters | |
Atifacility(Terminal|blank)) | (Intrapartition queues). Indicates the type of destination the queue represents:
Terminal: the transient data queue is associated with a terminal, which is specified in Facilityid(name). |
RECOVstatus(No|Physical|Logical) | (Intrapartition queues). Indicates whether or not the queue is recoverable. If you specify that the queue is recoverable (physical and logical are synonymous), you must also specify _FILESHAREID. This is because MSS recovery is handled by Fileshare. |
Facilityid(name) | (Intrapartition queues). Specifies the terminal ID if Atifacility is set to Terminal. A terminal definition must exist. If the terminal ID is unspecified, then the queue will be treated as having a destination of 'file'. |
TRAnsid(name) | (Intrapartition queues). Specifies the name of the transaction to be run when the queue reaches the level specified in Triggerlevel(number) |
TRIggerlevel(number) | (Intrapartition queues). Specifies the number of data records to be accumulated in the queue before the transaction specified in Transid(name) is run. A value of 0 means that the transaction is never run. |
Extrapartition Queue Parameters | |
DSName(name) | (Extrapartition queues). Not used.. |
Opentime(Initial|Deferred) | (Extrapartition queues). Indicates the initial status of the queue:
Initial: the queue is opened when the region starts up Deferred: the queue is closed until it is required |
TypeFile(Output|Input|Rdback) | (Extrapartition queues). Specifies whether the queue is for input, output, or may be read backwards. |
RECORDSize(number) | (Extrapartition queues). Specifies the maximum length of records in this queue, in the range 0 through 32767 |
RECORDFormat(Fixed|Variable) | (Extrapartition queues). Specifies the record format:
Fixed: the minimum record size is set to the same value as the maximum record size Variable: the minimum record size is set to 1 |
Printcontrol(Asa|Machine) | (Extrapartition queues). Specifies the type of print control characters to be used. Optional. |
Indirect Parameters | |
Indirectname(name) | Specifies the name of another transient data queue, which must be defined |
Remote Parameters | |
REMOTEName(name) | Applicable only for remote transient data queues. Names the remote queue. Necessary only if it differs from the local file name. The queue must be defined on the remote system. |
REMOTESystem(name) | Applicable only for remote transient data queues. Specifies the ID of the remote system that holds the file. This must correspond to the Local SYSID field in the SIT used to run the related remote region. |
Micro Focus Extensions | |
_Status(Enabled|Disabled) | Effective only for queues owned by the local region. Specifies whether this queue is accessible when the region is started.
Enabled: accessible when the region starts up Disabled: not accessible when the region starts up |
_Minrecsize(number) | (Extrapartition queues). Specifies the minimum length of records in this queue. Must be less than or equal to RECORDSize. If this is not specified, MSS deduces it from RECORDFormat. |
_FILEShareid(name) | Specifies the Fileshare server on which this queue resides |
_PCfiletype(Normal|Lineseq) | Indicates the type of PC file to be created to hold the queue. Choose Lineseq if you want to edit the file. |
_FILEName(name) | (Extrapartition queues). Specifies the name of the file that holds this queue. Do not include the file extension. Defaults to dfhxdddd.tdq where dddd is the four-character name of the queue as specified in Tdqueue(name). |
_PAth(path) | (Extrapartition queues). Specifies the path of the file that holds the queue if you want to override the default. |
_FILEExt(extension) | Specifies the extension of the file that that holds the queue if you want to override the default, which is .tdq |
_Rsl(keys) | Specifies one or more indicators, each corresponding to one of the 24 resource keys for this queue. A user has access to a particular resource only through a matching key as defined in his sign-on table entry. To toggle a key on you specify its number here. By default all keys are toggled off. You code the keys as a comma-separated list of individual numbers and ranges separated by hyphens. For example, to toggle the keys 1 to 5 and 10 on, code Rsl(1-5,10). |