Run the ACCTWEB Application in TN3270 Mode

Run the ACCTWEB application in the Rumba+ Desktop TN3270 terminal display, and add two data records. This sets up the application data such that you can access it from a Web browser later in the tutorial.

The ACCTWEB Web interface supports data search by the Surname field only. You need to interact with the application in TN3270 mode to add data records. Later in this tutorial, you can do a data search from the Web interface to display the records you add here.

Verify Rumba+ Desktop Options
Ensure that Eclipse is configured to use the embedded Rumba+ Desktop emulator to run mainframe applications:
  1. In Eclipse, click Window > Preferences.
  2. Expand Micro Focus > Enterprise Server, and click TN3270.
  3. Ensure that Enable display, Rumba (Embedded) and Connect automatically are all selected.
  4. Click Apply and Close.
Open the Rumba Mainframe Display View
With the enterprise server region started, you can now run the ACCT transaction and interact with it via the Rumba+ Desktop TN3270 display. To start Rumba+ Desktop:
  • On the Server Explorer view, right-click the ACCTWEB enterprise server region; then select Show TN3270 Display from the context menu.

    This starts the Rumba+ Desktop Mainframe Display view and connects it to the ACCTWEB application running on the ACCTWEB enterprise server region.

Initialize the ACCTFIL VSAM File
Before you can run the ACCT transaction, you need to initialize its VSAM file.
  1. In the Rumba+ Desktop Mainframe Display view, press Ctrl+Shift+Z to clear the CESN login screen.
  2. Enter CFCR ACCTFIL.

    If this is the first time you have run a CICS tutorial, you should see a message indicating that the ACCTFIL VSAM file was created successfully. Otherwise, the message explains that the ACCTFIL file already exists.

Start the ACCT transaction
Now you are ready to access the application.
  1. In the Rumba+ Desktop Mainframe Display view, press Ctrl+Shift+Z to clear the VSAM message.
  2. Enter ACCT.

    This invokes the initial screen for the ACCT transaction.

Add two records
  1. Tab to the REQUEST TYPE field and type A.
  2. In the ACCOUNT field, type 11111 .
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Complete the fields on the NEW RECORD screen. As you do this:
    • Of the three ADDRESS fields, complete only the first two.
    • Skip over fields that are not represented in this table.
    • Keep in mind that data presented here is provided for test purposes only. You can substitute any valid data you choose.
    • If you inadvertently lock the application screen, stop and restart the enterprise server region; then start the ACCT transaction again.
    SURNAME Washington
    FIRST George
    ADDRESS Mt. Vernon


    DATE ISSUED 07 04 76
  5. Press Enter.
  6. Repeat steps 1 and 2, substituting 11112 in the ACCOUNT field.
  7. Repeat steps 3 and 4, substituting the following data:
    SURNAME Washington
    FIRST Martha
    ADDRESS Mt. Vernon


    DATE ISSUED 07 04 76
  8. Press Enter to return to the menu.
Exit the application
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+Z to exit the application.