The following parameters of this DFSORT control statement are supported in MFSORT and MFJSORT:

           |                                                                |
           |             +---,----+                                         |
           V             V        |                                         |
              |                                                           |
              |         +---,-----+                                       |
              |         V         |                                       |
              |           +-dd--+                                         |
              |           +-OUT-+                                         |
              |                                                           |                                                          
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |           +------,---------+                              |
              |           V                |                              | 
              |                               +-,VTOF----+ +-VFILL=byte-+ |         
              |                               +-,CONVERT-+                |
              |            +-------,--------+                             |
              |            V                |                             |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              | |          +-ALL--------------------+   |                 |               
              | |          +-NONE-------------------+   |                 |
              | |                                       |                 |
              | |                                       |                 | 
              + +-OMIT=-.-(logical-expression-)-.-------+                 |
              |         +-ALL-------------------+                         |
              |         +-NONE------------------+                         |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |           +-RC4--+                                        |
              |           +-RC16-+                                        |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |           +--------,--------+                             |
              |           V                 |                             |
              |                                                           |
              |            +-------,----------+                           |
              |            V                  |                           |
              |                                                           |
              |            +-------,----------+                           |
              |            V                  |                           |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |
              |                                                           |                      
Note: The maximum number of OUTFILs is 2048.

In order for BLKCCH1 and BLKCCH2 to take effect in MFSORT, they need to be used with MAINFRAMEPRINT in the extfh.cfg file and with SORTTYPE=2 in the environment.

The following options for the item-statement field are supported:

                     V                                                       |
                        +-c:-+ |                                           |
                               |                                           |       
                               |    +-,a-+                                 |
                               |                                           |      
                               |           +-,to---+                       |
                               |                                           |     
                               |                                           |
                               |                                           |
                               |                                           |  
                               |                                           |  
                               |                                           |  
                               |                                           |  
                               |                                           |  
                               |                                           |
                               |                                           |  
  • For options p,m,Y2x(c), the (c) is only parsed and ignored in this COBOL system.
  • For seqnum processing support, see the diagram below.

The following field values are supported, where applicable:

Field Values
a (alignment) D (doubleword aligned), F (fullword aligned), H (halfword aligned).
s (separation) ADD, DATE, &DATE, DATE=(abcd), &DATE=(abcd), DATE1, &DATE1, DATE1P, &DATE1P, DATE2, &DATE2, DATE2P &DATE2P, DATE3, &DATE3, DATE3P, &DATE3P, DATEn, &DATEn, DATEn+r, &DATEn+r, DATEn-r, &DATEn-r, DATEn(c), &DATEn(c), DATEn(c)+r, &DATEn(c)+r, DATEn(c)-r, &DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP, DATEnP+r, &DATEnP+r, DATEnP-r, &DATEnP-r, DATENS, &DATENS, DATENS=(abc), &DATENS=(abc), DIV, LITERALS, MUL, SEPERATOR CHARS, SEQNUM, SUB.

The following options for the logical-expression field are supported:

                          | +-------------------.---------------+  |
                          | V                                   |  |

The following options for the relational-expression field are supported:

   |       +-,format-+                  +-constant-----+                 |
   |                                                                     |
   |        +-SS,-+ +-NE-+   +-NUM------+                                |
   |                                                                     |
   |                +-NE-+                                               |
   |                                                                     |
   |         +-BI-+                                                      |
   |                                                                     |
             +-date-format-+                    |        +date-format-+ 

The following field formats are supported, where applicable:

Field Supported formats
Binary-operator EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, NE.
Date-format Y2B, Y2C, Y2D, Y2P, Y2S, Y2T, Y2U, Y2V, Y2W, Y2X, Y2Y, Y2Z, Y2TP, Y2UP, Y2VP, Y2WP, Y2XP, Y2YP.
Format AQ, BI, CH, CLO, CSF, CSL, CST, CTO, FI, FL, FS, LS, OL, OT, PD, PD0, SB, SS, TS, ZD.

The following options for a HEADER item are supported:

              V                                  |
                 +-c:-+ +-.-DATE----------.--+     
                        | +-&DATE---------+  |   
                        | +-DATE=(abcd)---+  |    
                        | +-&DATE=(abcd)--+  |   
                        | +-DATENS=(abc)--+  |   
                        | +-&DATENS=(abc)-+  |
                        |                    |   
                        | +-&TIME-+          |
                        |                    |

The following options for a TRAILER item are supported:

               V                                                |
                  +-c:-+ +-.-DATE----------.----------------+     
                         | +-&DATE---------+                |   
                         | +-DATE=(abcd)---+                |    
                         | +-&DATE=(abcd)--+                |   
                         | +-DATENS=(abc)--+                |    
                         | +-&DATENS=(abc)-+                |
                         |                                  |   
                         | +-&TIME-+                        |
                         |                                  |
                         | +-&PAGE-+                        |
                         |                                  |
                         | +-COUNT=edit--+                  |
                         |                                  |
                         | +-SUBCOUNT15---------+           |
                         | +-SUBCOUNT=(.-edit-.)+           |
                         |             +-to---+             |
                         |                                  |
                         | +-TOT---+        +-,to--+        |
                         |                                  |
                         |           +-,to--+               |
                         |                                  |
                         |           +-,to--+               |
                         |                                  |
                         |           +-,to--+               |
                         |                                  |
                         |  +-SUBTOT---+        +-,edit-+   |
                         |  +-SUBTOTAL-+        +-,to---+   |
                         |                                  |
                         |                +-,edit-+         |
                         |                +-,to---+         |
                         |                                  |
                         |                +-,edit-+         |
                         |                +-,to---+         |
                         |                                  |
                         |                +-,edit-+         |
                         |                +-,to---+         |
Note: See the Limitations section for the COUNT and SUBCOUNT values, and the TOTAL, MIN, MAX, and AVG fields.

The following options for a SECTIONS item are supported:

              |     +------------------------,------------------------+ |
              V     V                                                 | |
                       |      +-L--+                                |
                       |      +-nL-+                                |
                       |          +-----,-------+                   |
                       |          V             |                   |      
                       |                            +-,-PAGEHEAD-+  |
                       |           +-----,--------+                 |
                       |           V              |                 |      

The following options of SEQNUM processing are supported:

                +-,START=j-+  +-,INCR=i-+  +-,RESTART=(p,m)-+


  • The maximum length of COUNT and SUBCOUNT values is 9 digits.
  • The maximum length of the TOTAL fields:
    TOTAL field formats MFJSORT DFSORT
    Length (m) *Maximum 18 Digits (d) Length (m) Digits (d)
    ZD 1-15 1-15 15
    ZD 16-31 16-31 31
    PD 1-8 1-8 15
    PD 9-16 9-16 31
    BI 1-4 1-4 10
    BI 5-8 5-8 20
    FI 1-4 1-4 10
    FI 5-8 5-8 20
    FL 4 or 8 4 or 8 20
    CSF, FS 1-15 1-15 15
    CSF, FS 16-32 16-32 31
    SFF 1-44 1-44 31
    UFF 1-44 1-44 31

    * MFJSORT will display the total to the same amount of digits as specified in the length.

  • The TO parameter for TOTAL, MIN, MAX, and AVG is only applicable for TRAILER3.

DATEDIFF limitations:

The valid length(m) and format(Y2x) combinations for each type of date field that can be used with DATEDIFF:

  • m,Y2X
  • 5,Y2T
  • 6,Y2T
  • 5,Y2W
  • 6,Y2W
  • 3,Y2U
  • 4,Y2V
  • 3,Y2X
  • 4,Y2Y

The maximum number of DATEDIFF operands permitted is 300.