Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments (local development) only.
Note: This topic applies to Java service interfaces only, and is available only when
EJB Generation is selected on the
General tab.
- Application Server
- The J2EE version and the application server name to support EJB deployment. This ensures that the appropriate deployment
descriptors are generated and included in the relevant archive files (.ear
- Interface Type
- The type of service interface (Local or
Remote), set when it was created.
- Bean name
- The name of the Java Bean. The default is the service interface name. It is also the root name given to the home and remote
interface classes.
- Package name
- The name of the package of Java classes. It is located in a subdirectory of the same name located under the project directory,
which is created when the deployment process generates the EJB.
- Session type
- The session type for the EJB -
Stateful or
- Transactional
- Whether or not the EJB service executes in a transactional context. When set to
Yes, the
Session type is
Stateful by default.
- EJB Version 3 (Java compiler 1.5 or later is required)
- EJB name
- Archive name
- File prefix name for Java archive files created during deployment. The default is the service interface name.
- Java compiler
- The directory containing the Java compiler. Optionally use the
Browse button to locate it.
- J2EE Class Path
- The path to the J2EE implementation classes.
- SEP session type
- Whether the associated SEP (Service Execution Process) attribute is
Stateful or
Stateless. SEP attributes are only meaningful when the
Transactional property is set to