X206: Compatibility index must be set to group by number. The ability to perform a GROUP BY using column numbers in the specification is not supported in any compatibility modes other
than the XDB mode. Change compatibility mode or write specification using column names.
X212: Function not available under current compatibility setting. The current compatibility setting set through Options does not permit the function being attempted. The setting must be modified
to one that allows the functionality/syntax being attempted. See the Options User's Guide.
X215: The cursor identified in a fetch/close statement is not open. The application program attempted to either (1) FETCH using a cursor, or (2) CLOSE a cursor at a time when a specified cursor
was not open. In DB2 mode commit and rollback implicitly close cursor. After a cursor is closed, FETCHes or CLOSE cursor statements
will generate this error code.
X216: Exceeded maximum outer join conditions. An outer join condition is one that contains a plus sign (+) next to a field. The number of outer join conditions allowed
has been exceeded. Currently, five outer joins are allowed per query. To proceed, reduce the number of these conditions.
X217: Specified more than one primary key clause. The CREATE TABLE specified more than one primary key. By definition, a table may not have more than one primary key. Other
candidate keys may be defined as unique keys.
X218: Referenced table does not contain a primary key. The table nominated as the parent in a FOREIGN KEY clause cannot be defined as a parent because it does not have a primary
key defined. Correct the statement so that the table nominated as the parent in the FOREIGN KEY clause references a table
with a primary key, or define a primary key for the table nominated as parent.
X220: Operation not allowed on table with incomplete definition. The reference to the table is invalid because it has a primary key, but no primary index. The reference is in a FOREIGN KEY
clause or an SQL manipulative statement. Define a unique primary index on the table before referencing it.
X221: ALTER TABLE PRIMARY KEY requires existing unique index. The ALTER TABLE statement is invalid because the table does not have a unique index with a key that is identical to the nominated
PRIMARY KEY. Make sure the key list specified on the ALTER TABLE statement identifies an existing unique index of the table.
X223: Self-Referencing tables must use the CASCADE delete rule. The delete rule specified in the FOREIGN KEY clause of the ALTER statement is invalid. A self-referencing constraint must
specify the delete rule of CASCADE. Change the delete rule in the FOREIGN KEY clause.
X227: Attempt to update parent having dependents in relationship name. An UPDATE operation attempted to update a primary key in the specified row of the object table; however, the primary key in
the specified row had dependent rows associated with it. The value of a primary key in a parent row cannot be updated if the
parent row has dependent rows. Examine the primary key of the object table and the foreign key of the dependent table to determine
if the value of the primary key should be changed. If this does not solve the problem, examine the contents of the object
table and the dependent table to determine the cause of the problem.
X228: The relationship name restricts the deletion of row with ID number. A DELETE operation attempted to delete a specified parent row in the object table and all related dependent rows in the dependent
tables. However, a delete rule of RESTRICT was specified for one or more dependent tables.
X229: The insert/update value of foreign key name is invalid. An UPDATE or INSERT operation attempted to place a value in a foreign key of the object table; however, this value was not
equal to some value of the primary key of the parent table.
X230: Index name is not compatible with current version. The index was not created with the current version and is incompatible. Rebuild the index with the current version. All indices
in the location can be rebuilt using the COMPACT LOCATION AND INDEX command. All indices for a particular table can be rebuilt
using the COMPACT TABLE `table-name' and INDEX command.
X231: Cursor must be declared as FOR UPDATE OF. The application program attempted to execute an UPDATE WHERE CURRENT OF statement on a cursor not defined as FOR UPDATE OF.
Declare the cursor FOR UPDATE OF.
X232: Index name sort sequence different from current setting. An attempt was made to access an index that was created using a sort sequence different from the current sort sequence setting.
When an index is created, it is sorted using the sort sequence specified in Options. To access this index, your default sort
sequence setting must be consistent with that of the index. Rebuild the index with the default sort sequence setting or modify
the setting in Options to be consistent with the index. Alternatively, you can drop the index and then recreate it with the
new sort sequence setting.
X236: Must use ALTER TABLE DROP PRIMARY KEY to drop index pending. An attempt was made to drop the `pending' index, which is a temporary name for a PRIMARY KEY which has not yet had a unique
index created for it. To drop this index, use the ALTER TABLE DROP PRIMARY KEY statement.
X245: Requested packet is larger than max buffer size. The amount of data being sent from the application program to the engine is too large. Increase the receive buffer size on
both the client-side and the server-side.
X247: String representation of a date/time value is invalid. The character representation of a date or time value is not being recognized. The engine can recognize ISO, JIS, EUR, USA,
and LOCAL formats. Compare your date/time representation with the picture specified in CONFIG.XDB through Options.