Defines the attributes of a transaction.


Keyword (default values in bold) Description
TRANSaction(name) Names the transaction. Mandatory. name can be up to four alphanumeric characters in length. Do not specify a transaction name starting with C, as Mainframe Subsystem Support uses that prefix for system transactions.
Group(groupname) Names the group the transaction definition belongs to. Mandatory. groupname can be up to eight characters in length. Acceptable characters are A through Z, 0 through 9, $, @ and #. Do not specify a group name starting with DFH, as Mainframe Subsystem Support uses that prefix for system groups
DEscription(text) Describes the file. Optional. text can be up to 60 characters in length, with no restrictions except that if you use a left parenthesis you must ensure that there is a matching right parenthesis.
PROGram(name) Program driven by this transaction.
TWasize(number) Size of transaction work area, between 0 and 32767.
STAtus(Enabled|Disabled) Indicates whether or not the transaction is accessible when the region is started:
The transaction is accessible when the region starts up
The transaction cannot be used until it is specifically enabled using the transaction CPMT.

Remote Attributes

Keyword (default values in bold) Description
DYnamic(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the transaction can be dynamically routed to a remote region:
The transaction can be dynamically routed to a remote region
Creates a remote definition if REMOTESystem(name) is present; creates a local definition if it is not
REMOTESystem(name) Applicable only for remote transactions. Specifies the ID of the remote system that runs the transaction. This must correspond to either:
  • The Local SYSID field in the SIT used to run the related remote Mainframe Subsystem Support region
  • The APPLID of another CICS system
REMOTEName(name) Applicable only for remote transactions. Names the remote transaction. Necessary only if it differs from the local transaction name.


Keyword Description
PRIOrity(number) Specifies the priority for this transaction. Defaults to 0(zero). Transaction priority is one factor in determining a transaction's execution priority, which is the sum of:

Terminal priority

Transaction priority (this field)

Operator priority

The sum cannot be greater than 255.

TRANClass(DFHTCL00|tranclass) Specifies the name of the transaction class to which the transaction belongs. The reserved name DFHTCL00 is used to indicate that the transaction does not belong to any transaction class.


Keyword (default values in bold) Description
DTimout(No|0|MMSS) Specifies the deadlock timeout, that is, the period after which the transaction is terminated if it has been suspended.
No deadlock timeout
Use system (SIT) deadlock timeout value
The length of time after which deadlock timeout ends a suspended task. The maximum value that you can specify is 6800, representing 68 minutes, zero seconds.
DUmp(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not Mainframe Subsystem Support produces a program dump if this transaction abends.
Runaway(SYSTEM|0|Milliseconds) The time to allow a task to control the processor before it is assumed to be looping and therefore purged.
Use system (SIT) value
No deadlock timeout
On this system, must be a value between 1000and 270000. If less than 1000 milliseconds, changes are ignored.
Note: The mainframe allows 500 milliseconds.
TRACe(Yes|No|Special) Indicates tracing options for this transaction:
The transaction is traced
The transaction is not traced
Not currently supported

Indoubt Attribute

Keyword (default value in bold) Description
INdoubt(Backout|Commit|Wait) Indicates the action to be taken if this transaction abends during syncpoint or abend processing:
The effects of the transaction are backed out using SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK (For this to work, you must also set backwards recovery on for any file used by the transaction.)
Any changes are committed
Critical resources are locked until the session has recovered and are then backed out or committed in step with the remote system


Keyword (default values in bold) Description
CMDSEC(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not security checking is enabled for CICS command operations.
RESSec(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the transaction program performs resource security checking by comparing a user's resource keys (defined in the user's entry in the sign-on-table) with the keys enabled for a particular resource.
TRANSec(keys) Specifies one or more indicators, each corresponding to one of the 64 security keys for this transaction.

A user has access to a particular transaction only through a matching key as defined in his sign-on table entry. To toggle a key on you specify its number here. By default all keys are toggled off.

You code the keys as a comma-separated list of individual numbers and ranges separated by hyphens. For example, to toggle the keys 1 to 5 and 10 on, code TRANsec(1-5,10).

RSL(keys) (RSL stands for Resource Security Level.) Specifies one or more indicators, each corresponding to one of the 24 resource keys for this transaction.

A user has access to a particular resource only through a matching key as defined in his sign-on table entry. To toggle a key on you specify its number here. By default all keys are toggled off.

You code the keys as a comma-separated list of individual numbers and ranges separated by hyphens. For example, to toggle the keys 1 to 5 and 10 on, code RSl(1-5,10).

Micro Focus Extensions

Keyword (default values in bold) Description
_CATEGORY(No|0|3) A value of “3” specifies an IBM Category 3 Transaction. These transactions have no security checking. Therefore, transactions in this category are allowed for all users, and no authorization calls are made. An example of this type of transaction is CESN.
_Inboundtp(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not registry entries to allow inbound transactions are created.
_Screen(Default|Alternate) Indicates the screen size is used by the transaction. Both sizes are defined in the Typeterm definition for the terminal in use at the time.
_Uctran(Yes|No) Indicates whether or not any data received by the transaction is automatically folded to upper case
_Timethold(SYSTEM|0|seconds) The time to wait for a transaction to complete before triggering a monitoring event.
Use system (SIT) value.
No monitoring event.
Maximum time is 65333 seconds.
_Rtimeout(SYSTEM|0|seconds) The time to wait for input, after which the terminal will automatically sign off the user.
Use system (SIT) value.
No timeout.
Maximum time is 4080 seconds.