When you have completed all of the tasks described in the preceding sections you are ready to start Mainframe Access to perform some simple installation verification tests. Start Mainframe Access by issuing the following z/OS START command at a system console or using the TSO/ISPF SDSF command facility:
Here is an example that shows the messages displayed during startup. The start command is issued for MFA, the name of the started task JCL sample that has been customized and copied into a system procedure library. The MFAXML sample also defines the Mainframe Access Data Connect server as an application server address space that should be started automatically by Mainframe Access during initialization. Mainframe Access issues an internal start command for MFAS, the name of the started task JCL sample for the Mainframe Access Data Connect server.
04:11:52.41 XXXXXXXX 00000290 S MFA 04:11:52.47 STC03887 00000090 £HASP100 MFA ON STCINRDR 04:11:52.55 STC03887 00000290 IEF695I START MFA WITH JOBNAME MFA IS ASSIGNED TO USER XXXXXXXX , GROUP XXXXXXXX 04:11:52.55 STC03887 00000090 £HASP373 MFA STARTED 04:11:52.56 STC03887 00000090 IEF403I MFA - STARTED - TIME=04.11.52 04:11:53.06 STC03887 00000090 MFM0063I: MFA Direct is active 04:11:53.06 STC03887 00000090 MFM0064I: MFA Direct number of processing tasks is 10 04:11:53.09 STC03887 00000090 MFM0134I: ES/MTO Outbound feature is active 04:11:53.10 STC03887 00000090 MFM0127I: ChangeMan subsystem ID is SERA 04:11:53.20 STC03887 00000090 MFMDS008I DBCS code page support enabled 04:11:53.22 STC03887 00000090 MFMDS051I CA/LIBrarian Ready 04:11:53.27 STC03887 00000090 MFMDS052I CA/PanValet Ready 04:11:53.29 STC03887 00000090 MFMDS053I CA/ENDEVOR API REL=B1700C,ESI=N,UID=N 04:11:53.46 STC03887 00000090 MFMDS055I MCG/RPC feature active 04:11:53.46 STC03887 00000090 MFMDS001I DSS Server Ready 04:11:54.32 STC03888 00000090 £HASP100 MFAS ON STCINRDR 04:11:54.39 STC03888 00000090 £HASP373 MFAS STARTED 04:11:54.40 STC03888 00000090 IEF403I MFAS - STARTED - TIME=04.11.54 04:11:54.48 STC03888 00000090 MFA302I.MFAS.MFDSTART / ATTACHING VTAM PROCESSOR 04:11:54.48 STC03888 00000090 MFA303I.MFAS.MFDSTART / MFA/DATACONNECT V6.00 - 04000000 COPYRIGHT (C) 1987-2018 MICRO FOCUS INTERNATIONAL LTD. 04:11:54.49 STC03888 00000090 MFA110I.MFAS.MFAFSQ00 / VTAM PROCESSOR ACTIVE USING VTAMAPPL MFA62ACB 04:11:59.29 STC03887 00000090 MFM0001I: Mainframe Access V6.00 (04000000) is active