The following is a sample JCL job that creates the FTP.DATA control dataset and populates it with some variables.
The file format is based on the IBM FTP.DATA format .
//SETUP01 JOB 'FTP.DATA',MSGCLASS=X,CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1) //*-------------------------------------------------------- //DEL EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //DEL1 DD DSN=FTP.DATA,SPACE=(TRK,1),DISP=(MOD,DELETE) //*========================================================== //* FTP.DATA CONFIGURATION FILE //*========================================================== //DEFFTP EXEC PGM=IEBGENER //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DUMMY //SYSUT1 DD * ;*********************************************************************** ; * ; Name of File: SEZAINST(FTCDATA) * ; * ; Descriptive Name: FTP.DATA (for FTP Client) * ; * ; SMP/E Distribution Name: EZAFTPAC * ; * ; Copyright: Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * ; * ; "Restricted Materials of IBM" * ; * ; 5694-A01 * ; * ; Copyright IBM Corp. 1977, 2011 * ; * ; US Government Users Restricted Rights - * ; Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by * ; GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * ; * ; Status: CSV1R13 * ; * ; * ; This FTP.DATA file is used to specify default file and disk * ; parameters used by the FTP client. * ; * ; Note: For an example of an FTP.DATA file for the FTP server, * ; see the FTPSDATA example. * ; * ; Syntax Rules for the FTP.DATA Configuration File: * ; * ; (a) All characters to the right of and including a ; will be * ; treated as a comment. * ; * ; (b) Blanks and <end-of-line> are used to delimit tokens. * ; * ; (c) The format for each statement is: * ; * ; parameter value * ; * ; * ; The FTP.DATA options are grouped into the following groups in * ; this sample FTP client FTP.DATA configuration data set: * ; * ; 0. MFFTP settings ; 1. Basic configuration options * ; 2. Unix System Services file options * ; 3. Default attributes for MVS data set creation * ; 4. MVS data set transfer options * ; 5. Code page conversion options * ; 6. DB2 (SQL) interface options * ; 7. Security options * ; 8. Timers * ; 9. Return codes * ; 10. Checkpoint / Restart options * ; 11. Socks server access * ; 12. Debug (trace) options * ; 13. Additional advanced options * ; * ; For options that have a pre-selected set of values, a (D) indicates* ; the default value for the option. * ; * ; Options that can be changed via LOCSITE subcommands are identified * ; with an (S). * ; * ;*********************************************************************** ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MFFTP SETTINGS ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- MFFTP_ABCODE 3085 ; SET DEFAULT ABEND CODE FOR MFFTP MFFTP_OUTPUT_LRECL 120 MFFTP_PREFIX=Y MFFTP_VERBOSE_OUTPUT ON MFFTP_KEEP_IP Y MFFTP_KEEP Y ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 1. Basic FTP client configuration options ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;SUPPRESSIGNOREWARNINGS FALSE ; Suppress message EZYFT47I ; while processing remaining ; statements in this FTP.DATA ; TRUE - Yes ; FALSE (D) - No. EZYFT47I is ; issued to warn of ignored ; statements FILETYPE SEQ ; (S) Client mode of operation ; SEQ = transfer data sets or ; files (D) ; SQL = submit queries to DB2 ;SEQNUMSUPPORT FALSE ; Support sequence numbers when input ; read from //INPUT DD file ; FALSE = (D) Do not support ; sequence numbers. ; EZYFS33I issued if ; sequence numbers detected ; etcetera ...... /* //SYSUT2 DD DSN=FTP.DATA,SPACE=(TRK,1),UNIT=SYSDA, // DCB=(LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS),DISP=(NEW,CATLG) //
The following is a sample JCL job that executes MFFTP:
//MFFTP01 JOB 'MFFTP TEST',CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A //* //* Upload an MVS dataset //* //STEP1 EXEC PGM=MFFTP,PARM='my.ftp.server' //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //OUTPUT DD SYSOUT=* //INPUT DD * anonymous/test cd MFFTP_TEST put MFI01.MFFTP.FBFILE.TOUPLD MFFTP01.txt locsite recfm=fb lrecl=10 locstat ; get + MFFTP01.txt MFI01.FTPDATA.FBFILE (rep MFFTP_VARS quit /* //ENVVAR DD * MFFTP_CLIENT=FTP MFFTP_KEEP=Y MFFTP_TIME=L /* //*
When this JCL is submitted, assuming there are no errors, you should see messages in the console similar to the ones in When FTP is the Transport Client (MFFTP_CLIENT=FTP).