Examples of Using Multiple Catalogs

Example 1

Consider the following example, where you might have some datasets with names that start with ABCD that should go into a catalog at C:\ABCD\CATALOG.DAT, and other datasets with names that start with WXYZ that should go into C:\WXYZ\CATALOG.DAT. Also, you might want to enable DATACLAS support (by setting MF_SMS=ON) and have an SMS catalog at C:\MAIN\SMS.DAT.

The MFUSERCAT_NODE variable must include the special SMS node, SYSMFE1, the ABCD node and the WXYZ node:


MFUSERCAT_LOC must include the corresponding locations for these catalogs:


Example 2

As the environment variable MFUSERCAT_NODE supports multiple dataset nodes and wildcards, you can use quite complex rules to direct catalog entries to specific user catalogs.

Consider the following definitions:


The first node, MVSSPOOL, directs the catalog entries for all JES spool datasets to C:\MAIN\SPOOLCAT.DAT.

The second node, *.WORK, directs the catalog entries for all datasets whose second level qualifier is WORK to C:\WORK\CATALOG.DAT.

The third, fourth and fifth nodes direct the catalog entries for all datasets whose high level qualifier is six characters long, and begins with the string PROD, to catalogs specific to the dataset type, coded as the second level qualifier, VSAM, SEQ, and LIB.

The last two nodes direct the catalog entries for all datasets whose high level qualifiers are USER01 or USER02 to the same user-dataset catalog.

All other datasets will be cataloged in the system catalog, as specified under the MSS > JES tab, or via the environment variable MFSYSCAT.

Example 3

Square bracket notation may be used to build flexible node specifications that are aligned with your dataset naming convention.

Consider the following:


For the first dataset name node, this would allow D, M, or P in the second position, O or I in the third position, and 1, 2, or 3 in the fourth position. For the second dataset name node, this would allow S, V or N in the fifth position.

The following dataset names all match the above specification: