The system location for each XDB Server contains a database called XDBACF (Access Control Facility). This database contains information you enter for each user and group via the SQLWizard Admin menu. Information in the XDBACF database applies to all users and all locations on the server.
The XDBACF database contains the following tables and columns:
AuthID | AccessAuthority |
SecondaryID | RequirePassword |
Password | UserType |
DateOP (date of password) | Remarks |
TimeOP (time of password) |
If you are a super user, do not edit or update a user's PASSWORD or TIMEOP in this table. Use the SQLWizard instead.
GroupAuthID | |
Remarks |
UserAuthID | |
GroupAuthID |
Priority | MaxIdleTime |
MaxNumApiCalls | MaxFetches |
MaxTimeEngine | StartFreeTime |
MaxTimePerApi | EndFreeTime |
See the SQL Reference for the specific format of each of these tables.