Sample CodeWatch Session Using Open PL/I

This debugging session illustrates how to use the commands and features of CodeWatch when debugging programs compiled with Open PL/I. Following the session is the source listing of the sample PL/I program. The source file for this program is also available on the CodeWatch installation media.

The sample program, primes.pl1, calculates the number of prime numbers within a given range, but it doesn't do it very well. There is a bug somewhere that causes the program to print out too many values. Observe the following output:

*** Sieve of Eratosthenes ***

Input maximum prime boundary: 
Number of primes found was     6
1      2      3      5      7      11

The program had been compiled using the -deb option to produce the necessary information for the debugger and the -l option to produce a listing file. It was then linked using Ipild. For example,

mfpli primes.pl1 -deb -l 
ldpli primes.o -o primes

In this sample session, comments (which are not part of the session) are the bullet items. The system prompt is $. Note that user-supplied text is in bold typewriter font. For clarity, the abbreviated form of the command is used only after the command has been previously spelled out in its entirety.