Lists the Engine error messages from X100 through X149.
Restriction:This topic applies to Windows environments only.
X100: Memory Resident Engine not loaded! XDB client-side software could not communicate with the XDB Server. Check to make sure that the XDB Server is up. If it is
up and listening on the appropriate communications protocol, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.
X101: Illegal function code passed to engine. Programmer attempted to call the SQL Engine with an illegal function code. Refer to your Application Programming Interface
documentation for valid function codes. Another possible cause for this error could be that you are inadvertently trying to
access the wrong engine. This can occur if you have been working with a single-user engine on your own computer and then switch
to using a multi-user XDB Server.
X102: Cannot find view name. Unable to find the view named in the SYSVIEWS table, or in the system directory files.
X105: Operation not allowed on view name. XDB Server cannot perform the operation attempted on the view named. For example, multi-table views are not currently updateable.
X110: Cannot operation logfile filename. Check logpath setting. An operation on the logfile named filename has failed. Check the log path in the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table to see if it is pointing to the correct directory. Also check
to see that there is still disk space left for writing the file.
X111: Maximum number records per table in trial version. You are running the SQL Engine shipped with Learn, which limits the number of records in tables. The record limit includes
deleted records that have not been removed using COMPACT. If you need to add more records to the table you must have a full
version of XDB Server.
X112: Cannot perform operation (errno) on index index-name. An attempt to read/write/seek/open on the files that make up the index named failed. Check to see that the files index-name.IDX
and index- name.PTR exist in the database directory. Check whether there is sufficient disk space to write to the index files.
Check whether the file has been read or write protected. Increase the number of files in CONFIG.SYS to more than 100. See
X001 for a description of operation errors.
X113: Cannot perform operation (errno) on table table-name. An attempt to read/write/seek on the files that make up the table named failed. Check to see that the file table-name.TAB exists in the database directory. Check whether there is sufficient disk space to write to the index files. Check whether
the file has been read or write protected. See X001 for a description of operation errors. Compact the table (or drop it)
and rebuild the indices.
X115: Location already exists in the path specified. XDB Server permits one location per directory. XDB Server locations must be given unique names. This error condition occurs
if you attempt to create a location in a directory that already contains a location, or if you attempt to create a location
using a location name found in the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table.
X116: Time value error. An attempt was made to process a command containing an invalid time value. Check time picture specification.
X118: Location name table already exists. XDB Server permits one location per directory. XDB Server locations must be given unique names. This error condition occurs
if you attempt to create a location in a directory that already contains a location, or if you attempt to create a location
using a location name found in the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table.
X120: Cannot find location name in SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table. An attempt was made to perform an operation on a location not found in the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table. Check the location path
or location name specified in your command. When a location is created using the CREATE LOCATION command, an entry is inserted
into the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table. If you are using a location that was not created with the CREATE LOCATION command, you may
use the INSERT command to insert a record into the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table for the location.
X121: Operation requires system level privilege. An attempt was made to perform an operation that requires database administrator privileges. Check the authority required
for the command you are trying to execute. If you do not have the proper authority, see your database administrator.
X122: Incorrect location files on path path. This error occurs if a specified location is not found. This might be caused by trying to access files that have been deleted,
or by entering a path instead of a location. Otherwise, the problem is with SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS. You might want to check the
path selections in Options.
X123: Cannot open system location on path path. The system was unable to open the system location on the system location path specified. To change the system location path,
use the Configuration utility, described in the XDB Server Administration Guide.
X124: Illegal operation on system object. An illegal attempt was made to alter, insert, update or delete from a system object. XDB Server objects are for system use;
they are automatically created and maintained by the system. Users may query the objects but, in general, cannot update or
change them except through special commands (e.g. COMMENT ON). See XDB Server System Tables in the SQL Reference for descriptions of the system objects and how they are maintained.
X127: Pattern matching allowed on character fields only. LIKE searches, which use wild card pattern matching, can only be performed on character fields. You may perform range searches
on other field types, including date and time. If you want to search a date field by day, month, or year, use XDAY, XMONTH
or XYEAR, respectively.
X130: Attempt to drop system location. The system location cannot be dropped using the DROP LOCATION command, since it contains the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table. If you
must drop the system location, use operating system commands to delete all files and remove the location directory.
X132: Cannot find location name name in SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table. The location named in the command does not have an active entry in the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table in the system location. Check
the command and the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table for the correct location name.
X134: error: DOMAIN ERROR. A mathematical function contains an argument outside the domain of the function. For example, you cannot use a column containing
a negative number as the argument for XSQRT.
X135: error: RANGE ERROR. The result of a mathematical function is too large to be represented in the data type the system is trying to use.
X138: Illegal operation on view. An attempt was made to perform an operation not permitted on a particular view, or not yet implemented in XDB Server. For
example, you cannot currently update a multi-table view.
X139: Record size exceeds the maximum. XDB Server records are limited to 32,767 bytes, including record overhead. For odd length character fields, overhead is one
byte; for even length character fields overhead is 2 bytes. For most other data types, overhead is 2 bytes per field in DOS.
X141: Record does not satisfy view definition. An illegal attempt was made to update or insert an invalid record into a view created using the CHECK OPTION clause. You can
see the CHECK OPTION for the view by querying the SYSCHECK table.
X142: Operation not allowed on read only view. An attempt was made to perform an operation not permitted on a particular view, or not yet implemented in XDB Server. For
example, you cannot currently update a multi-table view.
X143: Table already has check condition. You may only create one CHECK CONDITION per table. However, this CHECK CONDITION may be very complex (to the detriment of
performance). If you want to add conditions to the CHECK CONDITION, you must drop and recreate the CHECK CONDITION.
X144: Record does not satisfy table name check condition. An illegal attempt was made to update or insert an invalid record into a view created using the CHECK OPTION clause. You can
see the CHECK OPTION for the view by querying the SYSCHECK table.
X146: Violation of constraint between key key1 and key key2. An attempt to update, insert or delete a record violates a FOREIGN KEY constraint involving the keys listed. See the ALTER
command description in the SQL Reference for a description of FOREIGN KEY.
X147: Cannot find key key. The command references a key that does not exist. You must create a key before you can refer to it in a FOREIGN KEY constraint.