The message identification has the form: pfxnnnns, where:
The following facility IDs exist:
ID | z/Server component |
API | Application programming interface (TCPIP) |
BND | IEWBND (Binder) interface |
CSI | Catalog search interface |
DSC | Holder task configuration |
DYN | Dynamic allocation |
EMC | Extended MCS interface |
HLD | Holder task interface |
IPC | Command task |
JES | Job entry subsystem interface |
LIC | License interface |
MAL | Email interface |
REC | Recovery exception handler |
REX | REXX command environment |
SJB | Started job interface |
SLR | TSO scheduler interface |
SPR | Standard pool routine |
SRV | Server interface |
SSI | Interface to z/OS SSI |
STA | Started task interface |
TAU | Eclipse client interface |
UNI | Unicode conversion services |
USS | UNIX Interface |
XML | XML system parser interface |
ZCA | CEA TSO/E address space services |
Informational messages are normally used for tracing or debugging purposes. Errors apply to the associated service and are typically caused by incorrect arguments. Severe errors may require z/Server to be restarted.
The message description provides information to identify the cause of the problem. Many messages contain placeholders ([mmm], where mmm is a consecutive number; for example, [002] is the second placeholder). These placeholders are replaced with specific values in the actual message.
The message description may contain messages, return and reason codes, etc. passed from invoked services (for example, the XML system parser or the security product). In these cases, the IBM manual to be consulted for details of the problem is given.
With very few exceptions, the first placeholder ([001]) of each message is the timestamp when the message was issued (hh:mm:ss.ttt):
The explanation for any message states whether the message is issued only at a certain IPTRACE level. The message will be issued at that trace level and higher. Trace levels include all messages from lower trace levels.